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Standing Committee on Law and National Security

The Standing Committee on Law and National Security is the oldest Standing Committee in the ABA. We have sustained a commitment to educating the Bar and public on national security issues.

About the Standing Committee

Since 1962, the Standing Committee on Law and National Security, has sustained an unwavering commitment to educating the Bar and the public on the importance of the rule of law in preserving the freedoms of democracy and our national security. The Committee focuses on legal aspects of national security with particular attention in recent years to issues raised by legal responses to terrorist events.

Meet the - Committee

National Security Law in the Era of Great Power Competition - 34th Annual Review of the Field of National Security Law CLE Conference, November 14-15

Thank you for attending the Annual Review of the Field of National Security Law CLE Conference. Be sure to check your emails for a link to your personalized CLE affidavit from [email protected]. We would also like to express our sincere thanks once again to our cosponsors, charter law firm members and corporate sponsors.

View Past Conference - Here

National Security Law Today: A Podcast

National Security Law Today Podcast Logo

From 2024 to 2025: The Shifts Reshaping National Security with Harvey Rishikof

As the new year unfolds, how have 2024’s defining national security moments set the stage for what’s ahead? This week, Elisa Poteat is joined by Harvey Rishikof, former chair of the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security, for a big-picture review of the past year. Together, they discuss emerging challenges in geopolitics, AI’s growing role in defense, and pivotal shifts in data security. Looking ahead, they explore how economic instability and rising global tensions might define 2025.

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Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Resource Page

Follow developments on Section 702 useful to policymakers, the press, and the public. Read selected articles and legal materials and learn about upcoming events on FISA and 702. Visit regularly as the site will be updated as new materials become available.

Past Events

Explore virtual and in – person programs, CLE Conferences, meetings and events held & sponsored by the Standing Committee on Law and National Security

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Women in National Security Law

Discover a wealth of insights by watching our webinar panels and exploring the Standing Committee's programs dedicated to supporting, promoting, and developing women in the practice of national security law. At the heart of our mission, Women in National Security strives to empower and uplift women in this field, fostering their growth and success.

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An Anthology: 60 Years of Transformation | National Security Law

The 60th Anniversary Anthology will review the past ten years and forecast the next ten years in the development of national security law. These articles capture the history, growth, and development of the Committee, the nation, and the world's evolution in national security law. The articles will be released serially through our website. We will later compile the articles in an e-book that can be downloaded or printed as a reader chooses. New essays are added regularly.

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Spyware Resolution 509 adopted by the ABA House of Delegates in February 2024 during the Midyear Meeting held in Louisville

The resolution opposes the use of spyware for human rights abuses and calls for a moratorium on such practices, alongside urging governments to enact laws restricting the sale, purchase, and use of abusive commercial spyware. Additionally, it recommends the U.S. Department of Commerce to continue listing companies providing such spyware. The resolution also encourages platform providers to implement safeguards, detection protocols, and victim notification policies against abusive commercial spyware attacks.

2024 Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community Released

(March 2024) The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has released the 2024 Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The Threat Assessment details threat actors, ongoing conflicts, and transnational issues that pose a threat to the United States.

AI Resolution 604 Unanimously Passes House of Delegates

The ABA took a strong stand on artificial intelligence and related issues during the 2023 ABA Midyear Meeting in New Orleans, LA. Resolution 604 sets out standards for the development and utilization of artificial intelligence products, services, and systems, and encourages transparency and accountability.

Left to right - Lala Qadir, Judge Royce C. Lamberth, and chair Stephen Preston

2024 Morris I. Leibman Award

(June 6, 2024) Judge Royce C. Lamberth was presented with the Morris I. Leibman Award in Law and National Security at a dinner held at the University Club in Washington, D.C.

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Visit the ABA Cyber Task Force Page

The ABA Cybersecurity Legal Task Force's mission is to identify and compile resources within the ABA that pertain to cybersecurity, and to focus and coordinate the ABA’s legal and policy analyses and assessments of proposals relating to cybersecurity.

ABA Vendor Contracting Cybersecurity Checklist (2nd)

The Cybersecurity Checklist, Second Edition (2021) is directed to solo and small firm attorneys who interact with vendors, often involving access to a client's sensitive data or internal systems. As we face increased cybersecurity risks, the mantra "know your supplier" cannot be overstated. This Checklist highlights how practitioners who are not steeped in the nuances of data privacy and data security can minimize cybersecurity risks in their contractual transactions with third party vendors. Available for free to ABA Members.

Find more National Security Resources

For more articles, books and information on the law, visit our resources page.