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October 10, 2023

Defense Against Guardianship: A Lawyer's Guide to Representing Individuals in Guardianship Cases

Pre-Ordering Today!

Defense work is about the law, about due process, but more importantly in guardianship defense, it is about human and constitutional rights. We need to view these cases as being about preserving the dignity of choice that should be a fundamental human right.

David Godfrey

Director, ABA Commission on Aging

List Price: $49.95 Non Members - $44.95 ABA Members

Follow the Commission on Law and Aging on Instagram for further updates.

The Purpose of This Handbook

  • The goal of this handbook is to offer guidance for developing and presenting a vigorous defense for a client responding to a guardianship action.
  • The information in this handbook may be used in a defense case to avoid the initial appointment of a guardian, or in a case to modify or terminate a guardianship.  
  • We thank both the Borchard Foundation Center on Law and Aging and FJC- A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds for providing funding for the development of this handbook.  Without their support, this would likely have remained a good idea and not a handbook that we believe will make a real difference in defense work across the country.

American Bar Association

Commission on Law and Aging