New Video: Just One Message...Avoid Becoming a Victim of a Scam
New Video: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day...Do Your Part...Report!
Five Ways Lawyers Can Reduce the Risk of Financial Exploitation of Clients
New Video: Just One Message...Avoid Becoming a Victim of a Scam
New Video: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day...Do Your Part...Report!
Five Ways Lawyers Can Reduce the Risk of Financial Exploitation of Clients
Mandatory and Permissive Reporting Laws
With funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Commission has produced three free publications. Learn more and download copies now by visiting the guides homepage.
Elder abuse fatality review teams review deaths resulting from or related to elder abuse to identify system gaps and improve victim services. Elder Abuse Fatality Review Teams: A Replication Manual (2005) raises the issues and challenges that a developing or ongoing team may face. It offers ideas for addressing those challenges that have been used by elder abuse, child abuse, or domestic violence fatality review teams. It discusses potential sources of funding and provides examples and analyses of key team documents prepared by elder abuse fatality review teams, such as mission statements, memoranda of understanding, policies, procedures, protocols, confidentiality forms, and data collection forms. Eleven charts updated or added in 2019, along with a variety of other resources, have made our EAFRT work even more helpful.
Judges, court administrators, service providers, policymakers, and funders in other communities should give serious consideration to implementing similar efforts.
United States Department of Justice Elder Justice Website
A resource for victims of elder abuse and financial exploitation and their families; practitioners who serve them; law enforcement agencies and prosecutors; and researchers seeking to understand and address this silent epidemic plaguing our nation's elders. The Elder Justice Website serves as a forum to share information and resources so that, as a nation working together, we can fight elder abuse and financial exploitation and support our older citizens.
On Tuesday September 29, 2020 colleagues, family and friends joined for a memorial celebration of the life of Lori Stiegel . A few family, friends, and colleagues shared their stories and memories of Lori. The links to the program are below.
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