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December 01, 2015

Your Health Care Wishes Smartphone App

(The pdf for the issue in which this article appears is available for download: Bifocal, Vol. 37, Issue 2.)


Just a Finger Tap Away

With some very creative people, the Commission created a smartphone app called My Health Care Wishes to give individuals and their family members the ability to store their own and each other’s health care advance directives, key health information, and health care contacts on their Apple or Android smartphones, and to send advance directive documents directly to health care providers by email or Bluetooth.

How it Might Help You: Assisting a Parent

Let’s say your Mom lives in San Francisco and has a health care directive with end-of-life decisions. You’re her primary proxy and live in Washington DC. She’s on vacation in Boston and rushed to the ER at Mass General Hospital. A My Health Care Wishes wallet card is found stating her proxy has her advance care plan on his iPhone—that’s you! You’re coaching soccer but with one click you are able to email the documents needed to speak with staff to make key decisions. Crucial moments are saved and you’re there in a way never possible before in a medical crisis.

Learn More & Download

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