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June 01, 2015

Bring the WINGS of Change to your State

(The pdf for the issue in which this article appears is available for download: (Bifocal, Vol. 36, Issue 5).)

The National Guardianship Network (NGN) has developed a new video introduction, “What is WINGS” by District of Columbia Chief Judge Eric Washington, former Chair of the Conference of Chief Justices, to improve state adult guardianship practices through collaborative court-community partnerships.

The five-minute video is a lead-in to the NGN Replication Guide for WINGS (Working Interdisciplinary Networks of Guardianship Stakeholders). Both the video and a link to the Replication Guide can be found at

The National Guardianship Network, established in 2002, consists of 11 national organizations dedicated to effective adult guardianship law and practice, including AARP; the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging; the ABA Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law; the Alzheimer’s Association; the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel; the Center for Guardianship Certification; the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; the National Center for State Courts; the National College of Probate Judges; the National Disability Rights Network; and the National Guardianship Association.