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December 01, 2014

2015 National Aging and Law Conference

(Note: The pdf for the issue in which this article appears is available for download: Bifocal, Vol. 36, Issue 2.)

Save the Date!

NALC 2015 will be held October 29-30, 2015.

Conference attendees will enjoy:

  • Low registration rates and a two-day agenda to minimize travel time and costs
  • An anticipated 4 plenary sessions and 24 workshops
  • A focus on core substantive legal issues affecting older Americans with the greatest economic and social needs
  • Programming on legal service development and delivery
  • High-quality written materials

Hotel: Hilton Arlington

The 2015 Conference hotel boasts:

  • Direct access to the Ballston Metro Station with restaurants and shopping within walking distance
  • Larger space to accommodate more attendees, sessions, and faculty than last year
  • On-site hotel rooms, with a negotiated room rate (limited in quantity) 

Interested in presenting?
Watch for the call for workshop proposals in early 2015.

Interested in NALC 2014's conference materials?

Materials are available for order:

Nonprofit, government employees, and academics may use the coupon code: ALCCOR60.

Staff contact:

David Godfrey: [email protected]