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January 01, 2013

What are Your Plans for Elder Law Day 2013?

For some state and local elder bar sections and committees, Elder Law Day is an opportunity to educate older people about their rights.

Looking to freshen-up your program? Here are some ideas:

  • Mock trial or mock jury experiences
  • Tour of your local courthouse
  • “Ask a Lawyer” workshop with volunteers from your community

Let us know about your organization’s or bar group’s plan for an Elder Law Day program in your community (for May 1 or any other time in the month of May, which is also Older Americans Month) and we may include news of it in upcoming issues of Bifocal. Email Andrea Amato at [email protected].

Publication Alert
The Commission on Law and Aging is beginning to update its outdated Elder Law Day Planning Guide and is hoping for your help.

  • Do you coordinate or participate in an annual Elder Law Day event in your community?
  • Do you have planning documents, fliers, or other collateral that you would be willing to share with us?

Please email Andrea Amato at [email protected] with your responses!

May 1, 2013—Law Day Theme
Realizing the Dream: Equality for All

The promise of equality under the law is what has made America a beacon to other nations. It is, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, the proposition to which our nation is dedicated. The year 2013 marks the 150th anniversary of the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1963, during the Proclamation’s centennial, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called upon our nation to live up to the great promise of equality for all.

Law Day, May 1, 2013, will provide an opportunity to explore the movement for civil and human rights in America and the impact it has had in promoting the ideal of equality under the law. It will provide a forum for reflecting on the work that remains to be done in rectifying injustice, eliminating all forms of discrimination, and putting an end to human trafficking and other violations of our basic human rights.

The ABA’s Division for Public Education has more information.

May 2013—Older Americans Month Theme
Unleash the Power of Age!

Every year since 1963, May has been the month to celebrate the vitality and aspirations of older adults and their contributions and achievements. It is a proud tradition that shows our nation’s commitment to honor the value that elders continue to contribute to our communities. This year’s Older Americans Month theme emphasizes the important role of older adults.

To learn more about activities and events planned for Older Americans Month, or to find ideas for your own program, contact your local Area Agency on Aging office.