For some state and local elder bar sections and committees, Elder Law Day is an opportunity to educate older people about their rights.
Looking to freshen-up your program? Here are some ideas:
- Mock trial or mock jury experiences
- Tour of your local courthouse
- “Ask a Lawyer” workshop with volunteers from your community
Let us know about your organization’s or bar group’s plan for an Elder Law Day program in your community (for May 1 or any other time in the month of May, which is also Older Americans Month) and we may include news of it in upcoming issues of Bifocal. Email Andrea Amato at [email protected].
Publication Alert
The Commission on Law and Aging is beginning to update its outdated Elder Law Day Planning Guide and is hoping for your help.
- Do you coordinate or participate in an annual Elder Law Day event in your community?
- Do you have planning documents, fliers, or other collateral that you would be willing to share with us?
Please email Andrea Amato at [email protected] with your responses!