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August 31, 2011

Advising Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Presented by the ABA’s Commission on Law and Aging, Center on Children and the Law, Senior Lawyers Division, Section of Family Law and the ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education



According to the 2012 Census, more than 7.8 million children under the age of 18 live in households headed by grandparents or other relatives. A majority of these children are living with relatives informally, not placed through court action. These families face a myriad of legal issues ranging from how to establish a legal relationship with the child to how to access education, health care, and other benefits for the child.


This program will provide an overview of the different legal relationship options available to a family with a child being raised by grandparents or other relatives.



Ana Beltran


Generations United

Washington, DC


Heidi Redlich Epstein

Assistant Director State Programs

ABA Center on Children and the Law

Washington, DC


David Godfrey (Moderator)

Senior Attorney

ABA Commission on Law and Aging

Washington, DC






Live webinar/teleconference

$95 Sponsoring Section Members

$150 ABA Members

$195 General Public

$95 Government Attorneys, Legal services, and



This program will be available on audio CD.

$125 Sponsoring Section Members

$135 ABA Members

$150 All others


Scholarship applications are also available upon request.


For more information and to order visit and search by program title.


CLE Credit:

The ABA will seek 1.5 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute-hour states and 1.8 hours of CLE credit in 50-minute-hour states in states accrediting ABA live

webinars and teleconferences.*


NY-licensed attorneys: This non-transitional CLE program has been approved for experienced NY licensed attorneys in accordance with the requirements of the New York State CLE Board for 1.5 New York

CLE credits.


*States currently not accrediting ABA live webinars and teleconferences: IN, KS, NE, NJ, OH, and PA. All participants must be registered for the program. Cancellation policy is available on the ABA website.