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December 23, 2024

“Onward” with the ABA Commission on Law and Aging

Erica Costello
The PDF and full 2024 report in which this article can be found is here.

In January’s column, I stated that the motto for the Commission on Law and Aging this year was “onward.”  The word denotes moving forward or “going further rather than coming to an end or halt.” It was also an expression commonly used by former director, David Godfrey, at the end of every staff meeting.

In many ways, 2024 allowed the Commission to continue its path “onward” by moving forward with our great work in research, policy and development, as well as engaging with members in new and innovative ways. Here are some of the ways that we have been able to make an impact this year and move the Commission forward:

  1. In January of 2024, we launched our new podcast series, “Advocates of Aging,” spotlighting interviews and stories on topics related to law and aging, including best practice tips for professionals and career advice. Since the launch, ten episodes have been published by the Commission. You can listen to these episodes on our website or YouTube channel.
  2. In May of 2024, the Commission partnered with the ABA Senior Lawyer’s Division to bring back the first in-person National Aging and Law Conference (NALC) since the pandemic. Hosted at the University of Miami Law School in Coral Gables, Florida, the conference brought in over 100 attendees for a variety of sessions on topics including elder justice, guardianship reform, long-term care, legal ethics, capacity, healthcare decision-making, and elder law. More information will be coming in 2025 for the next NALC so be sure to check out the “CLE Programs & Events” page on our website for updates.
  3. Throughout 2024, the Commission hosted a total of nine student interns from academic institutions, universities, and law schools throughout the country. The purpose of the internship program with the Commission is to work on substantive policy issues in law and aging with the goal of producing a publishable chart, article, or summary. This year, our interns published twelve articles in Bifocal and created several legislative charts in the areas of elder justice and guardianship reform. Students can apply for internships with the Commission for the Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2025 by emailing a cover letter, resume, and brief writing sample to [email protected].
  4. In 2024, staff with the Commission provided 25 programs to over 6,250 participants on a range of topics related to law and aging. Such topics included: the Ethics of Working with Older Victims of Abuse, Guardianship Reform Across the Nation, Civil Legal Strategies: Using Demand Letters and Bench Memos in Elder Abuse Cases, What Guardians Need to Know About the Healthcare Decisions Act, Strengthening the Legal Services Model for the Legal Aid Attorney, and Alternative Options for Vulnerable Adults. The programs provided attorneys and professionals with the most up-to-date information and resources to better serve their clients.
  5. In December of 2024, the Commission, in collaboration with the ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty (CHP), launched a new website, “Fostering Stability in Aging.” The website provides information and resources for attorneys and other advocates supporting older adults at risk of homelessness and poverty. The goal of the webpage is to feature resources to assist individuals working in this space and highlight resources from other organizations and entities including: the ABA Senior Lawyers Division, ABA Section on Civil Rights and Social Justice, US Department of Health and Human Services, HelpAge USA, Justice in Aging, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Administration for Community Living, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Corporation for Supportive Housing, National Consumer Law Center, United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, and USA Aging.

As you can see, a lot of great work was done by the Commission in 2024—and we are excited and energized to be moving into the New Year. You can stay informed about our latest projects and resources by connecting with the Commission on our website and social media channels, including Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

We hope you have a safe and restful Holiday season as we move “onward” to 2025.