Elder The Future of Aging David Godfrey, JD This article discusses some recent initiatives of the Commission on Law and Aging, upcoming projects including ABA Giving Day and the Commission's path for the future.
Elder ABA Adopts Policy on Guardianship Bill of Rights and Due Process Protections Erica Costello The adoption of Resolution 506 furthers the ABA’s on-going guardianship reform efforts. Get more details and background on this resolution here.
Elder Qualifying for Long-Term Care Insurance Don Levin This article discusses how and when lawyers should assist their clients to plan ahead for long-term care and help them avoid depleting their life savings or exhausting loved ones.
Elder Autonomous Vehicle Transport Programs for Older Adults – Bane or Blessing? Dinesh Napal (LLM, BA) For older adults, some new technologies can present opportunities to enhance their quality of later life, while some aspects may prove difficult, impractical or inconvenient. This article discusses the pros and cons of some of these options.
Elder The Invisible Survivors of Domestic Violence John Holt Domestic violence against older adults constitutes a unique form of elder abuse that require specific understanding and support. Learn why, and how the The Weinberg Center for Elder Justice at the Hebrew Home is addressing this issue..
Elder The Measure of Our Age: Navigating Care, Safety, Money, and Meaning Later in Life David Godfrey, JD The book, The Measure of Our Age: Navigating Care, Safety, Money, and Meaning Later in Life, by M.T. Connolly, examines health care, skilled care, abuse, neglect and more and how each impacts our experience as we age. Reviewed by David Godfrey.
Subscribe Today! Experts in the field of elder law produce important, timely articles and resources for BIFOCAL, an online journal published six times a year by the Commission on Law and Aging. Readers include elder bar section and committee members, legal services providers, elder law and other private practitioners, judges, court staff, elder advocates, policymakers, law schools, elder law clinics, law libraries, and other professionals. BIFOCAL is free of charge. Click here to subscribe.