Elder One Thing I Wish Every Adult Could Hear David Godfrey Awareness is the key to preventing you and your loved ones from being a victim of a scam. This article lists several ways to protect yourself and what to do if you are a victim of a scam.
Elder The Pros and Cons of Neuroscience in the Legal System Aiden Fel This article explores the role of neuroscience in criminal liability, the types of neuroscience evidence that can be applicable to criminal law and the use of neuroscience as a useful tool for determining cognitive capacity.
Elder Examining the Use of Eldercaring Coordination Programs Chase Davidson Eldercaring Coordination Programs are an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program for older adults 60 years and older. It is a form of mediation modeled after the “Parenting Coordination Program.” Lear more in this article by Chase Davidson.
Elder Emotional and Physical Elder Abuse David Ray Papke Elder abuse has increased in the United States every year since 2003, and estimates are that 5 to 10 percent of Americans over 60 have suffered abuse. This article touches on who are most vulnerable and what can be done to stop it.
Elder “Wiser Than Me” — An Inspirational Podcast on Living Beth Russo In this article, Beth Russo, Senior Attorney with the Commission on Law and Aging, reviews the podcast, Wiser Than Me, hosted by Julia Louis-Dreyfus; that teaches us through interviews with her guest, that we can all have an impact on the world.
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