Elder The Space - Time Continuum of Public Interest Law by Charlie Sabatino Charlie Sabatino, former Director for the Commission, shares his vision for the future of Elder Law.
Elder Updates to State Voting Laws for Individuals with Limited Capacity by Catherine Bourque This article by Catherine Bourke examines several interesting changes to voting laws in various states for individuals with limited capacity.
Elder Steps Attorneys Can Take to Reduce the Risk of Financial Exploitation by David Godfrey This article discusses steps lawyers can take to reduce the risk of exploitation or to set the stage for a legal action for recovery should a theft happen.
Elder Virginia’s Legislative Audit and Review Commission Shines Light on Guardianship by Erica Wood Read a review of the October 2021 report by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) on Improving Virginia’s Adult Guardian and Conservator System.
Elder The Fourth National Guardianship Summit by Sally Hurme and Erica Wood This article goes into further detail about the challenges in guardianship reform and how the recommendations from the summit help to address these challenges.
Elder Book Review- Patient or Pawn Reviewed by David Godfrey David Godfrey reviews the book, Patient or Pawn, which discusses the epic fails in health care, the approaching perfect storm and strategies for self-preservation. Written by Jo Kline, JD.
Subscribe Today! Experts in the field of elder law produce important, timely articles and resources for BIFOCAL, an online journal published six times a year by the Commission on Law and Aging. Readers include elder bar section and committee members, legal services providers, elder law and other private practitioners, judges, court staff, elder advocates, policymakers, law schools, elder law clinics, law libraries, and other professionals. BIFOCAL is free of charge. Click here to subscribe.