Elder March 2022 Director’s Column David Godfrey Read all about our current projects related to guardianship, decisional ability and dementia, and policy development on guardianship and transparency in ownership of skilled nursing facilities.
Elder Abuse of Adults: Why Put Effort into Fixing Guardianship? David Godfrey This article discusses the flaws in current guardianship systems and why the ongoing efforts to fix guardianship are worth it.
Elder COLA WINGS: Where We've Been, What We've Done, How YOU Can Get Involved Elizabeth Moran In this article, Senior Attorney, Elizabeth Moran, provides our Bifocal audience an update on state WINGS collective efforts across the nation and how you can get involved.
Elder 2021 Guardianship Legislation: Highlights and Trends Effectuating Improved Processes and Outcomes in U.S. Guardianship Systems Elizabeth Moran Learn about encouraging, consistent indicators and current trends where stakeholders are prioritizing guardianship reform.
Elder The Commission on Law and Aging Welcomes a New Staff Attorney, Erica Costello Last month, the Commission on Law and Aging welcomed a new staff attorney, Erica Costello. Read about Erica's past work and what drew her to the Commission on Law and Aging.
Subscribe Today! Experts in the field of elder law produce important, timely articles and resources for BIFOCAL, an online journal published six times a year by the Commission on Law and Aging. Readers include elder bar section and committee members, legal services providers, elder law and other private practitioners, judges, court staff, elder advocates, policymakers, law schools, elder law clinics, law libraries, and other professionals. BIFOCAL is free of charge. Click here to subscribe.