Elder Our New Nursing Home Arbitration Mandate: Educate, Educate, Educate By Charlie Sabatino The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released its final rule on nursing home arbitration. Here's what it means for you.
Elder Analysis: Financial Elder Abuse is on the Rise By Carole Fleck Elder fraud by family members and caregivers is on the rise, says the CFPB in an analysis of reports by financial services businesses and others.
Elder Older Immigrants' Rough Road Map to Public Benefits By Natalie Kean Older immigrants face tough challenges to access public benefits.
Elder Flying Without Wings By Ellie Crosby Lanier This article on adult guardianship issues in Georgia highlights one highly successful and easily replicable effort that can be undertaken for a local court, in a region or at the state level, depending on resources and interest.
Elder New Tool for Supported Decision-Making Strategies By Dari Pogach A new resource for supported decision-making strategies is available.
Elder Smart Phone iBill Device for the Visually Impaired By Carole Fleck An iBill device reads the dollar amount on U.S. bills for the blind and visually impaired.
Elder Resources Corner Resources from the Commission on Law and Aging to help lawyers and others in their work.
Elder Coming soon! The 2019 National Aging and Law Conference Registration now open for the ABA Commission on Law and Aging’s 2019 National Aging and Law Conference. Get more conference details here.
Elder Senate Committee Urged to Double Down on Nursing Home Reform By Travis Goeden Government must redouble efforts on nursing home reform, experts tell Senate Finance Committee.
Subscribe Today! Experts in the field of elder law produce important, timely articles and resources for BIFOCAL, an online journal published six times a year by the Commission on Law and Aging. Readers include elder bar section and committee members, legal services providers, elder law and other private practitioners, judges, court staff, elder advocates, policymakers, law schools, elder law clinics, law libraries, and other professionals. BIFOCAL is free of charge. Click here to subscribe.