Elder Law Day 2019 The theme for this year's Law Day is Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society. Explore how social media has altered how free speech and the free press operate.
Elder Health Care Power of Attorney Chart Updated Gabriel Estridge Updated chart outlines statutory rules in 50 states for health-care decision-making authority.
Elder Advance Directives: Counseling Guide for Lawyers A handy checklist to walk lawyers through the advance directive process.
Subscribe Today! Experts in the field of elder law produce important, timely articles and resources for BIFOCAL, an online journal published six times a year by the Commission on Law and Aging. Readers include elder bar section and committee members, legal services providers, elder law and other private practitioners, judges, court staff, elder advocates, policymakers, law schools, elder law clinics, law libraries, and other professionals. BIFOCAL is free of charge. Click here to subscribe.