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February 16, 2022

Labor and Employment Law Pro Bono Web Resources

The following links have been included to provide Section members with quick links to free labor and employment law related Internet resources to support lawyers providing pro bono assistance to individuals in need of labor and employment legal services.



Hieros Gamos

Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute


FirstGov: U.S. Government Official web portal.

Thomas: A federal legislative information portal, provided by the Library of Congress.


Department of Labor

  • Find It! By Audience: Page provides a shortcut to additional pages that provide major DOL links targeted to specific audience groups, including: Workers, Employers, Job Seekers, Unemployed, Labor Unions, Researchers, Kids/Youth, Students, Educators, Nonprofits/ Nongovernmental Organizations, Government, Women, People with Disabilities, and Veterans.
  • DOL E-Laws: Interactive Advisor tools providing information about Federal employment laws. Each Advisor simulates an interaction with employment law expert by asking questions and providing answers based on your responses.

Employment & Training Administration

Employment Standards Administration, Wage & Hour Division

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Laws, Regulations and Other Resources:

Filing a Charge with the EEOC:

Includes links on how to file a charge, contacting a local Field Office, EEOC charge processing procedures, and mediation.

National Labor Relations Board


Federal Labor Relations Authority

Department of Justice, Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health



State and Local Government on the Net: The State and Local Government on the Net Directory provides convenient one-stop access to the websites of thousands of state agencies and city and county governments.

Labor & Employment Legal and Advocacy Organizations

National Employment Lawyers Association: Provides assistance and support to lawyers who represent individual employees in cases involving employment discrimination and other employment-related matters.

National Employment Law Project: The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has advocated for over 30 years on behalf of low-wage workers, the poor, the unemployed, and other groups that face significant barriers to employment and government systems of support. Several common themes connect NELPs work: ensuring that employment laws cover all workers; supporting worker organizing and alliance-building among key constituent groups working with low-wage workers; helping workers stay connected to jobs and employment benefits; and expanding employment laws to meet the needs of workers and families in changing economic conditions (excerpted from website).

Workplace Fairness: Site maintained by Workplace Fairness (formerly the National Employment Rights Institute) a non-profit organization allied with the National Employment Lawyers Association that provides information, education and assistance to individual workers and their advocates nationwide and promotes public policies that advance employee rights.


Other Resources

Cornell ILR Catherwood Library Subject Guides: Labor and Employment: Separate guides maintained by Martin P. Catherwood Library of the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, including links to library and other resources for research into labor and employment issues. Separate guides available for: arbitration, collective bargaining, disability and the workplace, ecommerce, human resources and the internet, industrial relations overview, information sources for teachers unions, international job search, job searching, labor unions and the internet, most requested government statistics, u.s. labor unions, and workplace diversity.

Guide to U.S. Labor Union Websites: Comprehensive list of labor organization websites maintained by Martin P. Catherwood Library of the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations.

Freely Available Workplace Resources: A portal to aid developing countries and institutions lacking funds from the Martin P. Catherwood Library of the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations.

Jurist: JURIST is the Internet's legal education portal, the university-based academic gateway to authoritative legal instruction, information and scholarship online.

International Labour Organization Library

Selected Internet Research Blogs A site that aggregates law & legal-related weblogs.

InterAlia: Internet Legal Research Weekly that provides updates on new legal oriented websites.

LawSites: Site of Robert Ambrogi, author of The Essential Guide to the Best (and Worst) Legal Sites on the Web that tracks new Web sites for the legal profession.