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February 13, 2020

Page Eight

Workplace Problems and Solutions

Defending & Attacking a Restrictive Covenant

Defending and Attacking a Restrictive Covenant
Bernice B. Donald, Katie Bunch, Stephen E. Fox and Marisa Warren Sternstein

Confidentiality, Waivers and Similar Settlement Agreement Provisions Under Scrutiny: Tell Me about Your Separation Agreement

Confidentiality, Waivers and Similar Settlement Agreement Provisions Under Scrutiny: Tell Me About Your Settlement Agreement
Lori L. Deem, Jennifer L. Kroll, Gregory Cochanour and Anne-Marie Vercruysse Welch

Employment Law Issues for Veterans in the Workforce

Development under USERRA
Esther G. Lander, Kathryn Piscitelli, Andrew Braniff, Kenneth R. Harrison, Sr. and Brian Clauss

“Just Culture” Policies: What You Need to Know

Just Culture: Virtues and Vulnerabilities | Slideshow
Alexandra Freemire, Maranda Rosenthal, Megann McManus and Kathy Yodice

A Legal Primer on the Law and Practice of Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance: Delaware-Centric Overview of Director Oversight and Fiduciary Duties, Judicial Standards of Review and Charter Exculpatory Provisions
R. Montgomery Donaldson

An Employment Lawyer’s Guide to Navigating Corporate Governance Documentation | Corporate Governance Law
Melinda C. Burrows, Ty Hyderally, Eric D. Reicin and Dale Pierson

Mergers, Integrations and RIFs: Strategies from Employer, Unions and Employee Representatives

Unions and Corporate Mergers: How unions can look to corporate law to shape companies post mergers to be profitable and just
Alvin Velazquez

Mergers, Integrations and RIFs: Strategies from Employer, Unions and Employee Representatives
Darlene A. Vorachek

Practitioner's Guide to Counseling Clients through Corporate Transformations: Reductions in Force, Restructuring, Mergers/Acquisitions
Julie J. Stahr

The New Standards on Sharing Wage and Other Confidential Information in the Workplace: Any Effect or Impact?

The Growing Trend Toward Eliminating Contributors to the Gender Pay Gap
Nina T. Pirrotti

Let’s Talk: A Guide to Confidential Information Pursuant to the NLRA
Angie Cowan Hamada

The New Standards on Sharing Wage and Other Confidential Information in the Workplace: Any Effect or Impact?
David S. Fortney and Sean D. Lee

EEO-1 Compensation-Related Changes
Darrious Baker

Pay Equity in Practice: What Are Employers Doing, What Can They Do, and What Works?

Employee-Side Perspectives on Compensation Discrimination
Rachel Geman

Statistical Pay Equity Analyses: Data and Methodological Overview
Paul F. White

Pay Equity in Practice: What Works?
Tamika Lynch

Trends in Sick Leave Law at the State and Local Level

Trends in Sick Leave Law at the State and Local Level

What Every Labor and Employment Lawyer Needs to Know about Workers' Compensation

"Simple & Summary"--Not a Chance!
George J. Andros, Jr.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?
Catherine Surbeck

Hoist with Your Own Petard: Avoiding Disaster and Using Estoppel in WC and ADA Cases
Matthew B. Schiff and Kathryn C. Nadro

Workers' Compensation from the Perspective of the Union Attorney
Richard Swanson

The Yates Memo and Its Impact on Corporate Executives One Year Later

DOJ Issues New Guidance on Individual Accountability for Corporate Wrongdoing

College of Labor & Employment Lawyers

Alan B. Epstein