Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
Diplomas, Tests and Physical Abilities: The ADA's Prohibition of the Discriminatory Use of Qualification Standards
Qualification Standards and Essential Job Functions: What's the Difference?
Paul Buchanan
Explicit vs. Implicit Standards
Brian East
Screening Out or Tending to Screen Out
Brian East
Qualification Standards and Direct Threat
Brian East
Neutral Standards and Impairment-Based Standards
Antone Melton-Meaux
Harassment Claims: Actionable or Not?
Workplace Harassment: When Will a Court Say that Your Employees Have Had Enough?
Karen M. Buesing
The "Stray Remarks" Doctrine: What Makes Such Statements "Remarkable" for Purposes of Stating a Claim of Discrimination?
Karen M. Buesing and Shayla N. Waldon
Harassment Claims: Actionable or Not? A Plaintiff's Counsel Perspective
Mariann Wang
Legal and Practical Implications of Domestic Violence in the Workplace: It's Not Just the NFL
Interpersonal Violence: The Legacy of Trauma
George Woods, M.D. and Lee Norton, Ph.D.
Selected Union Issues Related to Domestic Violence Issues in the Workplace
Julie Richard-Spencer
Legal and Practical Implications of Domestic Violence in the Workplace
Leigh Ann Culpan and Donna M. Hughes
Workplace Violence Revisited: Progress and Updates Five Years Post, "The Need for a Uniform Federal Response to the Workplace Impact of Interpersonal Violence"
The Need for a Uniform Federal Response to the Workplace Impact of Interpersonal Violence
Lisalyn R. Jacobs and Maya Raghu
Workplace Violence Revisited: Progress and Updates Five Years Post, “The Need for a Uniform Federal Response to the Workplace Impact of Interpersonal Violence”
Lisalyn R. Jacobs and Maya Raghu
Essay: From the “No Spittin', No Cussin' and No Summary Judgment” Days of Employment Discrimination Litigation to the “Defendant's Summary Judgment Affirmed Without Comment” Days: One Judge's Four-Decade Perspective
Hon. Mark W. Bennett
McDonnell Douglasand Summary Judgment: Still a Puzzle After All These Years
Deborah C. Malamud
McDonnell Douglas: Benefit for Employee-Plaintiffs in Summary Judgment Practice
Alice W. Ballard
Pregnancy Discrimination and Accommodations after the U.S. Supreme Court's Ruling in Young v. UPS
The McDonnell Douglas Test as Applied to Pregnancy Discrimination: Young v. UPS
Sharon Fast Gustafson
Recent Developments in LGBT Issues in Employment Law
Right Result, Wrong Path? The Meaning of "Sex" Under Title VII
J. Randall Coffey
Recent Developments in LGBT Issues in Employment Law
Jeanne Goldberg
Developing Law on LGBT Rights in the Workplace
Lisa J. Banks, Matthew S. Stiff and Sam Kramer
Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Rights of LGBT Employees
Manuel Quinto-Pozos
LGBT Rights in the Workplace
Sheree Wright
Religious Discrimination and Accommodations after the U.S. Supreme Court's Ruling in EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch
Religious Accommodations in the Post-Abercrombie World
Alicia Sienne Voltmer and Katherine Pizzini
The FMLA 20 Years Later
The FMLA 20 Years Later
Jeff Nowack
The FMLA Twenty Years Later: Challenges for Workers and the Labor Unions that Represent Them
Joan G. Hill
The FMLA 20 Years Later: Hypotheticals
The Impact of the Supreme Court Ruling in EEOC v. Mach Mining on EEOC's Conciliation Process
Mach Mining v. EEOC: Will the Supreme Court's Recent Decision Reduce or Increase Court Oversight of the EEOC's Administrative Practices?
Gary R. Siniscalco, Erin M. Connell and Michael W. Disotell
The Outer Edges of Retaliation Claims
Selected Developments in Retaliation Case Law
Raymond Peeler and Ernest Haffner
Retaliation: Making It Personal
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EEOC v. Sally Jewell
EEOC v. CollegeAmerica Denver, Inc.
EEOC v. CVS: Complaint
EEOC v. CVS: EEOC's Memorandum in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss
EEOC v. CVS: Respondent Reply Brief