The following papers were presented at programs sponsored by the Section of Labor and Employment Law at the 2003 ABA Annual Meeting. Clicking on the filename will open a PDF document in a new window.
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The Basics: Family Medical Leave Act
- The Family and Medical Leave Act
The Basics: Employment Rights and Responsibilities
- Workplace Privacy Issues: Potential Pitfalls for Unwary Employers
- Employment Contracts, Basically
- Workplace Investigations: When, Who, and How
The Basics: Covenants Not-To-Compete and Trade Secrets
- The Basics: Covenants Not to Compete and Trade Secrets in France
The Basics: Fair Labor Standards Act
- The Fair Labor Standards Act
The Basics: Ethical Issues in Labor and Employment Law
- Ethics & Employment Law
- Ex Parte Contacts with Employees of the Defendant Employer
- Conflicts of Interest Issues in Simultaneous Representation of Employers and Employees in Employment Law
The Basics: Immigration Law
- Summary of Nonimmigrant Business-Related VISA Categories
- The Permanent Residence ("Green Card") Process and Preference System
- Immigration Law Basics
The Ultimate Arbitration Update--Arbitration Clauses--Enforcement, Reformation and Remedies: The Devil Is In the Details
- Examining Recent Trends in Labor and Employment Arbitration in the Context of Broader Trends with Respect to Arbitration
- Employment Law--EEOC's Pilot Program
- An Administrator's Perspective
Lawyers on the Road: Multi-Jurisdictional Practice
- Navigating the Unauthorized Practice of Law Minefields: Lawyers as Third-Party Neutrals in Multi-Jurisdictional Employment Disputes
- Task Force on the Multi-Jurisdictional Practice of Law
- Summary of Results of the Multijurisdictional Practice Survey
- Would You Rather be Considered a Criminal, Disciplined or Just Not Get Paid?
Employee Soldiers: The Rights of Military Reservists Returning From Active Duty
- A Non-Technical Resource Guide to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
Update: Equal Employment Opportunity
- A Whole Year's Worth of Favorite Employment Defense Cases (And a Few Less Than Favorite)
- Selected Case Law Developments Under the Americans With Disabilities Act
- The 2002-2003 Supreme Court Term
Update: National Labor Relations Board
- Rosenfeld Addresses Prosecutorial Discretion, Asking Board to Re-Examine Previous Rulings
A Dialogue with the National Labor Relations Board
- Five Members Discuss Decisionmaking, Wide Variety of Issues at ABA Meeting
Effective Opening Statements
- Effective Opening Statements From the Plaintiff's Perspective
- Effective Opening Statements
EEO 1 Reports: What Do They Really Tell Us
- EEO-1 Reports: What Do They Really Tell Us
- Use of EEO-1 Reports in Discovery Highlighted in Discussions in ABA Sessions
ADR In Labor and Employment Law Committee Program
- How ADR Works
- A Survey of Recent Supreme Court and Circuit Court Decisions Involving Labor and Employment Arbitration Cases
Development of the Law Under the NLRA and Practice and Procedure Under the NLRA Joint Committee Program
- The Developing Law of Neutrality Agreements
- The High Road to Section 7 Rights: The Law of Voluntary Recognition Agreements
Equal Employment Opportunity Committee Program
- Proactive Prevention Chief Goal of EEOC, Vice Chair Earp Tells ABA's EEO Committee
- The High Road to Section 7 Rights: The Law of Voluntary Recognition Agreements
Federal Labor Standards Legislation Committee Program
- Proposed New Regulations for 29 CFR Part 541
- Litigating Lawsuits Under the FLSA--The Fastest Growing Area of Employment Litigation
Update: Emerging Ethical Issues in ADR
- Effective Advocacy in Employment Arbitration
- Emerging Issues in Arbitration Ethics
- The Ethical Issues Arising From Mediating with Unrepresented Parties
What's In A Name: Addressing the Legal Definition of "Employee" After the Clackamas Decision
- Clackamas Gastroenterology v. Wells
- The Elusive Employee (How to Count Those Who Count)
Law Firms as Model Employers
- Law Firms as Model Employers
- A Checklist Concerning Law Firm Personnel Practices: The Basics and Beyond
To Sue or Not To Sue: A Lawyer's Dilemma--Will It Be An Unfair Labor Practice
- The NLRB General Counsel's Approach to Lawsuits as Unfair Labor Practices after BE & K
- How Will The NLRB Interpret BE&K Construction Co. v. NLRB?
The Responsible Use of Medical Experts in Americans With Disabilities Act Litigation
- How Lawyers Can Promote Responsible Use of Medical Experts in American's With Disabilities Act Litigation
Using Technology to Prove and Defend Against Punitive Damages Claims
- An Overview of "Good Faith Efforts" under Kolstad's Progeny
- Using Technology to Establish and Maintain Effective Harassment Prevention and Correction Programs: Focus on Education
- Using Technology to Prove and Defend Against Punitive Damages Claims
Dealing With Employee Privacy, Freedom of Expression and Collective Activity in the Electronic Workplace
- Technology Issues Confronting Unions and Employees in the Workplace
What to Do When the Whistle Blows or How to Blow It: Sarbanes-Oxley's Answer
- Sarbanes-Oxley's Protections and Dilemmas for Lawyers
- A Road Under Construction
- An Ethical Dilemma... Sarbanes-Oxley's Whistleblower, "Up the Ladder" and "Noisy Withdrawal" Rules for Attorneys, A Case of Much To Do About Nothing?
Lights, Cameras and Labor Law! An Examination of Critical Issues Facing Employers and Unions In the Entertainment Industry and Their Implications for Other Industries
- The SAG/AFTRA Consolidation & Affiliation Plan: To Be or Not to Be. . . An Ongoing Saga Revisited
Dealing With the Law of Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation, Transgender and Related Issues
- Employment Discrimination against Transgender People: Case Law, Statutes, and Workplace Policies
Comparative European and U.S. Standards of Conduct for Lawyers
- Comparative European and U.S. Standards of Conduct for Lawyers
What Makes A Successful Motion in Limine
- Motions in Limine: On the Threshold of Evidentiary Strategy
Employment Based Immigration: Exploring Hoffman Plastics and Its Aftermath
- Self-Audits: Establish Your I-9 Compliance System Before the Government Auditors Arrive
- The Intersection of Immigration Law and Labor Law -- The Hoffman Plastic Case and Beyond?
- IRCA The Killer Whale: Pre-employment Inquiries and IRCA
- EEOC Official Says Immigration Ruling Should Not Affect Title VII Enforcement
Assessing Employee Rights and Employer Wrongs in Bankruptcy Proceedings
- A Union Perspective