The following papers were presented at programs sponsored by the Section of Labor and Employment Law at the 2002 ABA Annual Meeting. Clicking on the filename will open a PDF document in a new window.
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Basic Employment Rights and Responsibilities
- Arbitration of Employment Claims--An overview
- Recent Arbitration Developments Since Circuit City
Fair Labor Standards Act Basics
- Coverage Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
Basic Equal Employment Opportunity
- Basic Equal Employment Opportunity Practice
When Government Contracts Meet Labor and Employment Law--The Service Contract Act and the Davis Bacon Act Developments and Current Issues
- A Management Attorney Looks at the Service Contract Act, The Davis-Bacon Act and the New Methodology
- "When Government Contracts Meet Labor and Employment Law": An Agency Perspective
- Application of the Davis-Bacon Act in the 21st Century: A Union Lawyer's Perspective
- Former Administrative Review Board Chair Faults Board for Declining to Take Up Cases
Cross Examination: Conquering Your Fear and Doing Your Best
- Cross Examination: Conquering Your Fear and Doing Your Best
EEO Update
- Substantially Limited Equal Employment Opportunity?
- EEO Update: Developments in Title VII Discrimination Law
- ABA EEO Update
Virtual Briefs and Document Imaging
- Getting to Less: Submission of Legal Briefs on CD-ROM
National Labor Relations Board Update
- General Counsel Rosenfeld Discusses Goals, Guidance Memos at ABA Conference
Antitrust RICO and Labor Law
- Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) Recent Supreme Court Decisions
- Gauging Merit Under the First Amendment: BE&K v. NLRB
- Who's Extorting Who?: Debunking Myths About the Use of Civil RICO in Labor Disputes
Employment Rights and Responsibilities
- Risk Management: Guidance for Employers Conducting a Reduction in Force
Worker's Compensation
- Medicare Issues in Workers' Compensation Settlements
Federal Labor Standards Legislation Committee Program
- Litigation of FLSA Claims with Representative Plaintiffs
- Attorneys Discuss Strategies for Bringing, Defending FLSA Collective Action Lawsuits
Report from the Section Secretary
- Decisions Raise the Bar for Plaintiffs in Employment Cases, Law Professor Says
Plenary Session Featuring the Solicitor of Labor
- DOL Solicitor Emphasizes Push to Monitor Union Accounting Practices
Class Certification in EEO and FLSA
- Circuit Split Emphasizes Technical Questions Over Substance in Class, Collective Actions
ERISA In the News: An Update
- Protecting Individual Medical Records: A Description of Key Requirements of the Final Regulations Applicable to Group Health Plans
Violence in the Workplace: How to Predict and Prevent It While Protecting Employee Rights
- How Far is Too Far? Employee Misconduct and the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Postscript to "How Far is Too Far?": Reed v. Lepage Bakeries, Inc.
- Responding to Violence in an Organized Workplace
- Company Programs Can Minimize Worker Violence, ABA Panelists Suggest
Employee Committees: Fair or Foul
- What Constitutes "Dealing With" Pursuant to Section 2(5) of the Act Since Electromation, Inc., 309 NLRB 990 (1992)?
- What Constitutes "Dealing With" Pursuant to Section 2(5) of the Act Since Electromation, Inc., 309 NLRB 990 (1992)?
Contraceptive Equity: The Battle Over Gender-Specific Health Benefits
- Brief of the Equal Employment Advisory Council as Amicus Curiae in Support of Defendant-Appellant and in Support of Reversal
- Covering Contraceptives in Employee Benefits Plans: A Healthy Policy for Employees and Employers Alike
- Contraception Coverage Is Popular Benefit, but Mandate Under Title VII Remains Unclear
Cyber-Sleuthing: A Guide to Computer-Assisted Discovery and Collection of Electronic Data
- The Essentials of Computer Discovery
- Developing Electronic Evidence
ADR Skills Awareness: Don't Fall On Your Face
- Strategies for a Successful Employment Mediation
- The Top Ten Tips from the Trenches
- Arbitration of Employment Disputes: Can It Be Required?
- Important Differences Between Labor Arbitration and Employment Arbitration: The Perspective of an Arbitrator Whose Day Job is Academic
- Ethical Considerations: Discussion Points & References
The Government Wants to Know: Responding to Requests for Employee Background Checks and Other Data
- The Government Wants to Know: Responding to Requests for Employee Background Checks and Other Data
Americans With Disabilities Act
- Implications of Toyota v. Williams for ADA Cases
- Repetitive Motion Injuries and the ADA: A Roadmap for Employers
Going Global: Harassment and Discrimination Prevention for the Global Workplace
- Response to Harassment, Bias Abroad Requires Understanding of Culture and Laws
National Labor Relations Board Program Featuring Board Members
- Three Current Board Members Discuss Challenges Caused by Member Turnover
Post Trilogy: The Interpretation and Application of the Faragher Trilogy on Sexual Harrassment
- Post-Trilogy: Highlighting Emerging Distinctions In Federal Courts' Approach To Constructive Discharge, Same-Sex Harassment and The Effect of The Affirmative Defense
Serious Health Conditions Under the FMLA
- Lawyers Explore FMLA Trouble Spots during ABA Conference in Washington