Official Mexican Standard 035 issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare regarding the identification and prevention of psychosocial risk factors in the workplace (commonly identified as NOM-035) was published in the Official Journal of the Federation on October 23, 2018. Its purpose is to guarantee that employees provide services in legal and optimal conditions to control their possible exposure to factors that may cause anxiety disorders, alter their rest or affect their quality of life. These elements are called Psychosocial Risk Factors and in principle do not include harassment or sexual harassment, to which other legal provisions contained in the Mexican Federal Labor Law are applicable.
With NOM-035, the intention is to generate favorable working environments for employees and promote their sense of belonging to the companies for which they work.
Because its implementation requires the integration of new processes in the normal operation of companies, its entry into force was divided into two parts. The first obligations were enforceable one year after their publication, so they came into force on October 23, 2019 and are as follows: