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May 09, 2022

Call for 2022 Employee Benefits Simplification Award Submissions

ACEBC® Simplification Award Committee

The American College of Employee Benefits Counsel, Inc. (ACEBC®) is now accepting submissions for the 2022 Employee Benefits Simplification Award.  The Award, along with a $10,000 prize, will go to the best proposal to simplify an aspect of employee benefits law or regulation.

The Simplification Award Committee encourages you to submit your own ideas and asks you to forward this information to your colleagues, members, researchers, students, and friends.  Proposals can be described with a simple template.  Entries are due by May 31, 2022, with the winner to be honored at the College’s Annual Meeting in Chicago September 17, 2022. 

Last year’s award-winning submission is posted here.  The submission is also scheduled to be published in the annual NYU Review of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation.  The same could be true for you if your idea is selected as the best of 2022.

Details can be found here.

Note:   Due to EBC Newsletter production processes, you may be reading about this close to the May 31 submission deadline.  We apologize and encourage you to watch for the possibility of a 2023 award competition. 

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