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Issue: Winter 2021

2021 Employee Benefits Committee Midwinter Meeting

Where can you gather with colleagues and access wonderful, educational programming on employee benefits? From the comfort of your own home!

Yes, this is an attempt to put a positive spin on the need to move our 2021 EBC Midwinter Meeting to a virtual format. To comply with national protocols and maintain the safety of our members, the 2021 EBC Midwinter Meeting will be held virtually rather than in person. However, you will recognize many of our networking activities and the same level of high-quality programming.

The Midwinter Meeting will kick off on Wednesday night, February 3, with a virtual opening reception that will allow you to meet and mingle with your colleagues. Thursday and Friday, February 4 and 5, will provide high-quality presentations, including: Supreme Court Update, Pension and Healthcare Regulatory Panels, Employee Benefit Plan Investment Litigation, and Current Trends in ERISA Disability Benefits Claims Litigation, among others. Thursday evening will include a virtual networking reception to allow you to meet the Committee and Section leadership as well as network with your colleagues. And, of course, we will again offer a fantastic Diversity and Inclusion program, discussing some of the barriers facing attorneys of color, women and others when it comes to career advancement – a problem that pre-dates, but has been exacerbated by, the COVID-19 pandemic.

While we will miss the hugs and the handshakes, we look forward to seeing your smiling faces at our virtual EBC Midwinter Meeting this year! Please join us February 3-5 for a wonderful and educational program at the 2021 Employee Benefits Committee Midwinter Meeting.


Your EBC Co-Chairs –

Cassie Springer Ayeni, Employee
John Harney, Union & Employee
Aliya Robinson, Employer
Joanne Roskey, Public