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January 20, 2016

Time to Register for the 2017 EBC Midwinter Meeting

Please make your plans to attend the 2017 Midwinter Meeting of the ABA Labor & Employment Law Section, Employee Benefits Committee (EBC) from February 8-11, 2017 at the Hilton Hotel in Austin, Texas. The meeting will feature a full schedule of plenary sessions focused on many aspects of employee benefits law and breakout sessions where you will have your pick of a variety of lively presentations covering the most recent and significant developments in employee benefits. The CLE panels, comprised of national experts, will be practical, substantive and engaging, and will present the perspectives of management, employee, union, in-house, government and academic counsel. In addition to the presentations, there will be many networking events and opportunities to learn how you can become as involved as you like in the Committee's work. The Program Agenda includes presentations on The Trump Presidency and the New Congress: What’s Next; DOL’s Conflict of Interest Rule and Related Exemptions: The Litigation Challenges and Next Steps; Class Action Waivers; Writing ERISA Out of the Plan: Litigation Avoidance Tactics and many additional legal updates and current hot topics in ERISA.

Information regarding registration, hotel and travel, CLE credit, and financial assistance can be found on the EBC's website. The registration deadline for group rate hotel rooms is January 10, 2017 and meeting registration should be done by January 26, 2017.