We are pleased to report on the success of our Grand Experiment, the 2021 Virtual Midwinter Meeting held February 4-5, 2021. While originally scheduled to be held live in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the COVID-19 pandemic and the attendant restrictions on travel required that we move from live to virtual programming. 244 employee benefits attorneys from around the country participated, including 46 first-time attendees, equaling recent past Midwinter Meetings.
Our activities began Wednesday evening with an opportunity to meet old friends and new at the virtual opening reception using the Remo platform. Our first day of programming began with two excellent panels examining recent ERISA issues pending before the Supreme Court such as the continued validity of the ACA in California v. Texas, the ERISA implications of Bostock v. Clayton County regarding transgender discrimination or ERISA preemption in Rutledge v. Pharmaceutical Care Management Association. Other panels discussing the government investigations of ERISA plans and the ever popular and invaluable panel on Ethics focusing on issues during the current pandemic were also well-received. A virtual reception provided a unique opportunity for members to network with members from all EBC affiliations: management plaintiff, public and union.
On Friday, the solid and timely programming continued with two outstanding panels on Pension and Healthcare Regulatory Updates. For the keynote, noted ERISA experts Phyllis Borzi, Kathy Bakich with moderator Mary Ellen Signorille provided their insights into the possible ERISA developments to be expected from the incoming Biden Administration. Important breakout sessions covered a wide range of topics including ERISA plan investment litigation, trends in disability claims litigation, multiemployer plans and ERISA civil procedure.
Our Midwinter Meeting, though virtual, was a major success and remains the best-attended Committee meeting in the Section. Thank you to the Programming Committee led by Denise Clark and Russell Hirschhorn for its excellent work and for stepping up to the challenge.
In addition to the important programming, there were other superb events and accomplishments through the Midwinter Meeting including:
- Though virtual, the EBC pro bono project made good on EBC’s commitment to support Puerto Rico by raising $9,490 for the Banco de Alimentos Puerto Rico, Inc., a food distribution nonprofit working on hunger and food insecurity issues in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. Thank you to everyone who contributed with particular kudos to the Pro Bono Committee of Pete Dickinson, Sara Pikofsky and Todd Jackson, whose work made it all possible.
- Combined with the substantive programming this year, the Diversity Committee put on an amazing and compelling panel discussing the challenges of retaining diverse talent and the barriers facing attorneys of color, women and others in our practice. Thank you to panelists Miguel Eaton, Angel Garrett, Rachel Morowitz and moderator Alexia Noble for leading this timely discussion and sharing their experiences both positive and negative.
- Proskauer again stepped up with its virtual version of its popular Women’s Lunch in the form of a Women’s Breakfast. The virtual “breakfast” consisted of Zoom breakout rooms where members of the Committee could catch up with old friends and meet new ones. To ensure we were well-nourished during this meeting, Proskauer sent each participant a tin of treats, which was very much appreciated!
- Editor-in-Chief Mary Ellen Signorille provided an update on work with the upcoming edition of Employee Benefits Law. Thank you to Mary Ellen, the Senior Editors and all Chapter Editors and Contributors for their incredible work on what many consider the crown jewel of our Committee.
Finally, no Midwinter Meeting Report is complete without mentioning the outstanding work of Section Director Brad Hoffman and Associate Director Rose Ashford, whose hard work and dedication enabled us to put on a very successful Midwinter Meeting in the midst of a pandemic. No small feat! Thank you both so much.
Looking ahead, most EBC and JCEB events in 2021 will likely be virtual until vaccinations and public health conditions improve to the point where we can see COVID-19 in the rear view mirror.
We look forward to seeing you all again at the hopefully non-virtual EBC Midwinter Meeting scheduled for early February 2022.
EBC Co-Chairs
Cassie Springer Ayeni, Employee
John Harney, Union & Employee
Aliya Robinson, Employer
Joanne Roskey, Public