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Employee Benefits Committee Newsletter

Issue: Spring 2016

About This Issue

Spring is in the air. The college basketball season is but a memory. And three of our editors have banned the fourth from even thinking about the 69th Annual Newport to Ensenada Race until he refocuses on employee benefit issues. That, gentle reader, means it is time for the first 2016 edition of the EBC Newsletter. The continuing efforts to address a broad spectrum of issues and developments of interest bring you the following offerings in this edition:

  • Robert Rachal & Peter K. Stris agree to disagree in offering their very different perspectives on Gobeille v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co., 136 S. Ct. 936 (2016) in their piece entitled "Gobeille v. Liberty Mutual--The Supreme Court Construes ERISA Preemption Expansively in the Reporting and Disclosure Context."
  • Mayoung Nham offers some insights into the final regulations on Taft Hartley Plan partitions in her article "Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014: PBGC Final Rule on Partitions."
  • Erin Riley provides her insights into the current ERISA version of Jarndyce v Jarndyce (also known Amgen Inc. v Harris) as it returns from its second visit to the U.S. Supreme Court in "Amgen Inc. v. Harris: What Is the Status of ERISA Company Stock Cases Post-Amgen?"
  • As has become near tradition, in conjunction with our Midwinter meeting a variety of members engaged in Law Student Outreach. This time it was at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, Boyd School of Law and we even have pictures!
  • And before we close the books on the Midwinter meeting we examine the EBC Newsletter food and wine editor's review of the dining experience of the meeting in the eponymous "Dining with Sarah Johnson."
  • Regular readers know that from time to time the editors here like to stir things up a bit with an opinion piece. This time Eleanor Hamburger and Richard E. Spoonemore, obliged us with "Mental Health Parity Acts--Key Statutes to Ensuring Broad, Nongovernmental Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities." Those with different points of view are welcome to offer them for consideration for a following edition of the newsletter.
  • Frequent Contributor Nina Wasow offers her thoughts on Montanile v. Board of Trustees of the National Elevator Industry Health Benefit Plan, 136 S.Ct. 651 (Jan. 20, 2016) in a piece entitled " Montanile: Blessing or Curse?"

The ever-popular As We Go to e-Press returns.


Jim Nelson, Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Joanne Roskey, U.S. Department of Labor

Catha Worthman, Feinberg Jackson Worthman and Wasow, LLP

Doug Selwyn, Conner & Winters LLP

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