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A Time for Mobile Justice: Using Your Skills from Your Home or Office to Help Human Trafficking Survivors Pro Bono

A Time for Mobile Justice: Using Your Skills from Your Home or Office to Help Human Trafficking Survivors Pro Bono

Co-Sponsored by the ABA Center for Human Rights

Click here to view the program materials.

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically increased the danger to victims and survivors of human trafficking across the country. The current situation has created increased risks for former foster youth, who are at increased risk of recruitment, trafficking survivors cohabiting or co-parenting with their abusers, and individuals vulnerable to labor trafficking in high-demand, low-wage jobs. During these trying times, mobile solutions are key to helping these victims in a quick, easy, confidential and remote manner.

Since 2017, ALIGHT has been working with pro bono attorneys through an innovative mobile platform (think: driver apps many use) designed to provide critical services to safeguard and advance the rights of trafficking survivors. With the passage of ABA Resolution 113 this year, the ABA recognized the need to utilize innovative technology models to connect pro bono attorneys to survivors on many legal matters, including debt issues, restraining orders, child custody, eviction, criminal defense, tax, intellectual property, and other advocacy issues. The model, developed by ALIGHT in Colorado, offers a framework for engaging attorneys across the country to help survivors on various nuts-and-bolts legal issues.

Human trafficking victims and survivors need our help! Take one hour and join this informative webinar to learn about the impact of COVID-19 on human trafficking survivors and methods for delivery of legal services. Learn how attorneys across a broad range of specializations can use their skills to help survivors and replicate the ALIGHT model.

Marianna Kosharovsky, Founder and Executive Director, ALIGHT (Alliance to Lead Impact in Global Human Trafficking), Denver, CO
Hannah Seigel Proff, Proff Law, LLC, Denver, CO

Eric L. Barnum, BakerHostetler LLP, Atlanta, GA