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Social Media for Lawyers

Social Media for Lawyers

In this time of social distancing, social media skills might be more important than ever. Good social media practices help lawyers market, network and stay current. Learn approachable ways to get started and how to use social media to enhance your practice.

Jordan Couch, Palace Law, Tacoma, WA [Twitter: @jordanlcouch]
Sheena Hamilton, Dowd Bennett LLP, St. Louis, MO [Twitter: @MsHamiltonEsq]
Shreya Lay, LayRoots LLC, Seattle, WA [Twitter: @layyourroots]
Teri Guttman Valdes, Teri Guttman Valdes LLC, Plantation, FL [Twitter: @tgvaldes]

Emily Martin, Washington State Public Employment Relations Commission, Kirkland WA [Twitter: @stormyafternoon]