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Conducting an Effective and Defensible Remote Investigation: Risks, Challenges and Solutions for Investigators and Those Who Hire Them

NOTE: CLE credit is not available for this program.

Our experienced panel will discuss how they navigate the new normal of workplace investigations in a world of stay-at-home orders, social distancing and mask requirements. The discussion will focus on how to optimize effectiveness and defensibility when in-person interviews are not an easy option or are not an option at all. Topics will include:

  • Technology considerations, including witness access and comfort, assessing witness credibility and presenting exhibits
  • Note-taking vs. videotaping
  • Who should be “in the room”
  • When/whether live interviews may be the best/only option

William Batts
, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Atlanta, GA
Amit Bindra, The Prinz Law Firm, Chicago, IL
Blake Furman, Starbucks, New York, NY
Megan Mechak, McGillivary Steele Elkin LLP, Washington, DC
Angie Vincent-Hamacher, Robinson-Bradshaw, Charlotte, NC

Jeff Brodin, Brodin HR Law, Phoenix, AZ