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March 7-10, 2023 | Omni | San Diego, California

Meeting Papers 2023

2023 Conference Agenda

Remarks from Chair, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission

Hon. Mary Lu Jordan

Remarks from Chief Administrative Law Judge

Hon. Glynn F. Voisin

Settlement Approvals: The Role of Parties, ALJs and the Commission in Settling Cases

Mark Heath, Karen Johnston, Todd Myers, Thomas Paige, Hill Pickens, Josh Roberts

MSHA Enforcement Statistics

Jason Grover

Trial Techniques Demonstration

Karen Johnston, Hon. Thomas McCarthy, Jean Abreu, Willa Perlmutter, Hill Pickens, Robert Wilson

MSHA Jurisdiction: Where is the Line and is it Moving?

John Williams, Margo Lopez, Brad Mantel, April Nelson, Hill Pickens

MSHA Hot Topics: Potential New Silca Standards, 110(c) Liability after Northshore Mining, and Advance Notice of Inspections after Ken American

Nick Scala, Jason Grover, April Nelson, Hill Pickens, Josh Roberts, Kristin R.B. White, Robert Wilson, Arthur Wolfson

A Patchwork of Laws Governing Workplace and Occupational Safety and Health

Rachel Culley, Adam Young

The Mental Health Crisis and the Workplace

Susan Wiltsic, Anne Goday, Nelva Smith

Enforcing Workplace Health and Safety through Private Rights of Action and Challenges to Same

Kristin R.B. White, Elliot Furst, David Muraskin, Megan Shaked

2022-2023: Key Issues in Enforcement

Melanie Paul, Kim Stille, Peter Vassalo

Significant Labor and Employment, Administrative Law and Other Decisions Affecting the World of Workplace Safety

Manesh K. Rath, Edmund Baird, Rachel Geman, Jaslyn R. Johnson

COVID-19: Rearview Mirror or Driver’s Seat? 

Benjamin Kim, Amanda Edens, Alana F. Genderson

 Discrimination through the Health and Safety Lens and Vice Versa

Paige Laborde, Chantell C. Foley, Brian Olney

Relevant Happenings at Cal/OSHA

Rachel L. Conn, Eric L. Compere

OSHA Updates: Construction

Lindsay A. DiSalvo, Scott Ketcham, Juan Lopez,  Phillip B. Russell

Remarks from and Discussion with OSHRC and the Administrative Law (Salon AB) Judges 

Nadine Mancini, Hon. Cynthia Attwood, Hon. Amanda Laihow, DC Hon. Covette Rooney

Whistleblower Laws: Protections and Rewards

David Jochnowitz, Denise Greathouse, John McKnight

Mock Mediation: Willful Safety Violations and Safety-Related Retaliation

Hon. William Coleman, Kaiser H. Chowdhry, Peter J. Vassalo

Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Privacy

Charles P. Keller, Jallé H. Dafa, Rachel Graeber, Brad M. Kushner

Current Ethics Issues Facing Litigants 

Cassidy E. Chivers, Alka Ramchandani-Raj