Papers presented at the 2010 National Symposium on Technology in Labor and Employment Law. Clicking on a link will open the document in PDF format.
E-Discovery Toolbox: Practical Tools for Engaging in E-Discovery
- Bennett - Managing E-Discovery Projects
- Bennett - Records Management Next Frontier
- Bennett - Social Networking Policies Best Practices For Companies
- Bennett - E- Discovery Workshop
Portable Workspaces: Smart Phones and other Mobile Devices
- Flock - Smart Phones & Other Mobile Devices
- Porter -Smart Phones People Companies
Social Networking and Twitter
- Herbert- Workplace Consequences of Electronic Exhibitionism and Voyeurism
- Klein - Legal Issues Arising Out of Employees' Use of Social Network Websites
- Schwartz - Cloud Computing
- Canny- Cloud Computing Outline
- Canny- Cloud Computing
- Canny- Virtual Network
Corporate Counsel Perspective
- Rosenthal- Making Friends with the General Counsel
Virtual and Portable Workspaces and the Practice of Law
- Totten - Social Networking for Lawyers Paper
- Green- Virtual and Portable Workspaces and the Practice of Law
Traditional Labor Law and Virtual Workspaces
It’s Not Just Email Anymore: E-Discovery and Technology – Derived Evidence and the Virtual Workplace
International E-Discovery
- Callaghan - International E-Discovery
- David - How to Comply
- Domke - International E-Discovery
- Walworth - e-discovery article
- Walworth e - discovery handout
State and Administrative E-Discovery and Technology Practice
- Burnett and Paulsen - State and Admin E Discovery and Technology Practices
- Morgan and Davis - States With Specific E-Discovery Statutes Addressing Electronically Stored Information (ESI)
- Morgan and Davis - California's Electronic Discovery Act: Key Practical Implications