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April 02, 2021

2001 Symposium Papers

Papers presented at the 2001 National Symposium on Technology in Labor and Employment Law. Clicking on a link will open the document in PDF format.

Legal Developments: Workplace Privacy and Information Issues in the Electronic Age

Legal Developments: Discrimination and Harassment in the New, Wired Workplace

Practice Developments: Using Technology to Attract, Retain, and Communicate With Clients, Partners, and Associates

Litigation Developments: Technology in Employment Discovery and Trial

Legal Developments: Technology-Related Intellectual Property Issues for the Labor and Employment Lawyer

Legal Developments: The NLRA in Cyberspace

Legal Developments: The Virtual Office and the Employer's Duty to Comply with Statutory Standards

Legal Developments: Employment Issues in the Technology Sector

Practice Developments: Ethical Issues for the Electronic Age Labor and Employment Law Practitioner