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February 25, 2021

2014 Meeting Papers

The following links open to new windows to display PDF files.

Aircraft Service International, Inc., NMB File No. CR-7063

Position Statement of United Service Workers West, Service Employees international Union

Submission by SEIU Local 32BJ on Lack of RLA Jurisdiction Over Employer At JFK International Airport

NMB File No. CJ-7022 Air Service Corporation

Effect of Government Funding on Collective Bargaining in Public Transit

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Requirements: Surprise You're a Federal Contractor

Section 13(c) and the Preservation of Collective Bargaining Rights

Course Correction: Reversing Wage Erosion to Restore Good Jobs at American Airports

The Affordable Care Act: Consideration for Employers with Unionized Workers

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Current Status and What Is to Come

Bargaining under the Affordable Care Act in the Private Sector: A Different Kind of Health Insurance Exchange

The Affordable Care Act in the Public Sector: Notes for Collective Bargaining

AFL-CIO Calls For Changes to Obamacare

Public Employers Seek to Soften Impact of Obamacare Fees and Taxes

Health Care Reform Cheat Sheet for Bargainers

More Firms Hold Down Health Costs by Denying Coverage to Employees' Spouses

Brief in UTU and Richard Kite vs. BNSF Railway Company

Rule 5.5: Unauthorized Practice of Law; Multijurisdictional Practice of Law

Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators

Individual Right of Access to the Grievance Provess vs. Right of Union and Company to Control/Gatekeep Access to the SBA Process

Resolution on Mediation and the Unauthorized Practice of Law

Pilot Duty and Rest Requirements: The FAA Puts Its Past Approach to Bed as the 2014 Rules Takeoff

The Unique Nature of Tripartite Arbitration Panels, Economic Threats to an Arbitrator and Arbitrator Recusal