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2019 Meeting Papers

Selected Chapters and Supplements from International Labor and Employment Laws, Fourth and Fifth Editions
Anne M. Radolinski, Editor-in-Chief

Argentina Overview
Mercedes Balado Bevilacqua, Osvaldo Omar Barsanti, Ruben Cortina, Fernanda Gazal & Marcelo Villegas

Key Political, Legal and Economic Issues in Argentina and Elsewhere in South America
Rodrigo Sola Torino, Alexandre de Almeida Cardoso, Gabriela Cruz Devoto & Ignacio Garcia

Critical Issues and Trends in Labor and Employment Law in Latin America (PPT)
Oscar De La Vega Gomez, Alvaro Aguilar, Carolina Camacho, Rodrigo Fernandez de Nestosa & Juan Carlos Pro-Risquez

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Trends in Today’s Global Workplace
Marley Weiss, Cristiano Cominotto, Danny J. Kaufer, Alfredo Kupfer Dominguez & Jeff Vogt

The Gig Economy: How Labor and Employment Law Is Adapting to the New Worker
Stephen B. Moldof, Graziana Alò, Atul Gupta, Ify Okoli-Watson & Steven Swirsky

Immigration, Human Trafficking and Other Areas of Special Concern
Jennifer “JJ” Rosenbaum, Rose Carey, Nadia Gonzalez, Kushal Patel & Ashwini Sukthankar

Developments in Responsible Business Conduct
Roselyn Sands, Ignacio Funes de Rioja, Jeffrey E. Goodman & Eric Gottwald

#MeToo and Beyond: Addressing Sexual Harassment, Pay Inequity and Other Forms of Gender Discrimination in the International Workplace
Nicola Rabson, Hon. Victoria A. Lipnic, Jonathan M. Blumenstein, Kelly M. Dermody & Jane Howard-Martin

Trends in International Executive Employment Agreements including Compensation and Equity Issues and Restrictive Covenants
Wendi S. Lazar, Gordon Barr, Bryan Dunne, Purvis Ghani & Tyler Paetkau

The Impact of Brexit on International Employers and Their Internationally Mobile Workforces
Marcia Longdon, Kiran Daurka, Kelly Dobbs Bunting, Christopher Jordan & Annalisa Reale

Internal Employment and Related Regulatory and Criminal Aspects of International Anti-Bribery and Corruption, and Financial Investigations
Robert J. O’Hara, Thomas Hanusik, Mary Inman, Adriano U. Mucelli & Juan Pablo Vigliero

The Impact of AI, Digitization and Robotics in the International Workplace
Richard Bales, Rubén Agote Eguizábal, Javier Castellanos, Els de Wind & André Zimmermann

The Age Conflict: Aging Workforces, Increased Retirement Ages Versus the Rising Numbers of the Young Unemployed
David S. Fortney, Lynne Bernabei, Emily Chalkley, D. Jan Duffy, Nicolas Grandi & Jeffrey N. Young

The C-Suite, The Board and The Glass Ceiling for Women: What Are Multi-National Companies Doing?
Wayne N. Outten, Melanie Crowley, Geoffrey DeBoskey, Analia Duran & Mathilde Houet-Weil

The Impact of Legalization of Marijuana in the Workplace and on Transferring Employees from Legal to Non-Legal Jurisdictions
Mike Delikat, Jonathan A. Grode, Diego S. Kelly, Jacqueline Maarse & Lindsey Wagner