Selected Chapters and Supplements from International Labor and Employment Laws, Fourth and Fifth Editions
Anne M. Radolinski, Editor-in-Chief
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fifth Edition, Volume IIB: Argentina
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fifth Edition, Volume IIB: Chile
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fifth Edition, Volume IIB: Costa Rica
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fifth Edition, Volume IIB: Venezuela
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fourth Edition, Volume IB: Mexico
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fourth Edition, Volumes IA & IB, 2018 Cumulative Supplement: Mexico
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fourth Edition, Volume IA: Brazil
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fourth Edition, Volumes IA & IB, 2018 Cumulative Supplement: Brazil
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fourth Edition, Volumes IA and IB: Major Economies (NAFTA and Non-NAFTA) and International Issues, 2018 Cumulative Supplement: Codes of Conduct on Labor Standards
- International Labor and Employment Laws, Fourth Edition, Volume IB: Major Economies (NAFTA) and International Issues: Codes of Conduct on Labor Standards
Argentina Overview
Mercedes Balado Bevilacqua, Osvaldo Omar Barsanti, Ruben Cortina, Fernanda Gazal & Marcelo Villegas
Key Political, Legal and Economic Issues in Argentina and Elsewhere in South America
Rodrigo Sola Torino, Alexandre de Almeida Cardoso, Gabriela Cruz Devoto & Ignacio Garcia
Critical Issues and Trends in Labor and Employment Law in Latin America (PPT)
Oscar De La Vega Gomez, Alvaro Aguilar, Carolina Camacho, Rodrigo Fernandez de Nestosa & Juan Carlos Pro-Risquez
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Trends in Today’s Global Workplace
Marley Weiss, Cristiano Cominotto, Danny J. Kaufer, Alfredo Kupfer Dominguez & Jeff Vogt
- Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: An Overview of Current Trends
Marley S. Weiss - Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Cristiano Cominotto - Freedom of Association and Trade Unions – PPT
Cristiano Cominotto - Freedom of Association in Canada: An Ever-Changing Notion in an Ever-Changing Landscape
Danny J. Kaufer - Mexico’s New Rule on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Alfredo Kupfer Dominguez
The Gig Economy: How Labor and Employment Law Is Adapting to the New Worker
Stephen B. Moldof, Graziana Alò, Atul Gupta, Ify Okoli-Watson & Steven Swirsky
- The Gig Economy in Italy
Studio Legale Daverio & Florio - The Legal and Other Challenges to the "Gig Economy" in India
Atul Gupta - Union-Supported Efforts on Behalf of Non-Unionized Workers at Uber, Lyft and Other For-Hire Companies
Stephen B. Moldof - Overview of the Gig Economy/Alternative Work Arrangements and the Labor & Employment Issues in the UK
Ify Okoli-Watson - Labor & Employment Issues Impacting Gig/Economy Work Arrangement in the United States
Steven Swirsky
Immigration, Human Trafficking and Other Areas of Special Concern
Jennifer “JJ” Rosenbaum, Rose Carey, Nadia Gonzalez, Kushal Patel & Ashwini Sukthankar
Developments in Responsible Business Conduct
Roselyn Sands, Ignacio Funes de Rioja, Jeffrey E. Goodman & Eric Gottwald
- A Step Ahead: How Companies are Driving Corporate Responsibility Amid Controversial Laws and Government Inaction
Jeffrey E. Goodman & Alyssa G. Jagt - Responsible Business Conduct in the Digital Age of Social Activism
Roselyn S. Sands
#MeToo and Beyond: Addressing Sexual Harassment, Pay Inequity and Other Forms of Gender Discrimination in the International Workplace
Nicola Rabson, Hon. Victoria A. Lipnic, Jonathan M. Blumenstein, Kelly M. Dermody & Jane Howard-Martin
- #MeToo and Beyond: Addressing Sexual Harassment, Pay Inequality and Other Forms of Gender Discrimination in the International Workspace: A UK Perspective
Nicola Rabson & Kathy Scott - #MeToo: A Viral Hashtag with Lasting Effects
Gary R. Siniscalco - The Evolving Landscape of Pay Equity Here and Abroad
Gary R. Siniscalco - UK Gender Pay Gap Regulations: A Summary after Two Reporting Cycles
Jonathan Blumenstein
Trends in International Executive Employment Agreements including Compensation and Equity Issues and Restrictive Covenants
Wendi S. Lazar, Gordon Barr, Bryan Dunne, Purvis Ghani & Tyler Paetkau
- UAE Trends in Executive Employment Agreements: Overview of Key Considerations
Gordon Barr - Trends in International Executive Employment Agreements including Compensation and Equity Issues and Restrictive Covenants
Tyler Paetkau
- Express Terms of the Contract and Protection from Competition in the UK
Purvis Ghani & Kate Brearley
The Impact of Brexit on International Employers and Their Internationally Mobile Workforces
Marcia Longdon, Kiran Daurka, Kelly Dobbs Bunting, Christopher Jordan & Annalisa Reale
- Employers and Their Internationally Mobile Workforces: The U.S. View of BREXIT
Kelly Dobbs Bunting - Brexit: The UK Perspective
Kiran Daurka - Brexit: The German Perspective
Christopher Jordan
Internal Employment and Related Regulatory and Criminal Aspects of International Anti-Bribery and Corruption, and Financial Investigations
Robert J. O’Hara, Thomas Hanusik, Mary Inman, Adriano U. Mucelli & Juan Pablo Vigliero
- Clarifications Needed After DOJ's New FCPA Policy
By Derek Hahn, Dalal Hasan, Tom Hanusik & Stephen Byers - Upjohn Warnings: Recommended Best Practices When Corporate Counsel Interacts with Corporate Employee
ABA White Collar Crime Committee - Corporate Crisis Handbook: A Desktop Investigations Guide For In-House Counsel
Crowell & Moring - Understanding the New Argentine Law on Corporate Criminal Liability No. 27401
The Impact of AI, Digitization and Robotics in the International Workplace
Richard Bales, Rubén Agote Eguizábal, Javier Castellanos, Els de Wind & André Zimmermann
The Age Conflict: Aging Workforces, Increased Retirement Ages Versus the Rising Numbers of the Young Unemployed
David S. Fortney, Lynne Bernabei, Emily Chalkley, D. Jan Duffy, Nicolas Grandi & Jeffrey N. Young
- The Age Conflict: Aging Workforces, Increased Retirement Ages Versus the Rising Number of the Young Unemployed
Lynne Bernabei, Kristen Sinisi & Devin Wrigley - The Age Conflict: Aging Workforces, Increased Retirement Ages Versus the Rising Numbers of the Young Unemployed
Emily Chalkley - The Statutory Framework of the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act
Jeffrey Neil Young & David G. Webbert - Complaint re: Older Workers Benefit Protection Act
The C-Suite, The Board and The Glass Ceiling for Women: What Are Multi-National Companies Doing?
Wayne N. Outten, Melanie Crowley, Geoffrey DeBoskey, Analia Duran & Mathilde Houet-Weil
- C-Suite and Glass Ceiling
José Antonio Cabrera - Women and the Glass Ceiling in France
Mathilde Houet-Weil - Global Diversity and Quotas: Women on Boards, in the C-Suites and Other Senior Roles: Where Are All the Women? Pay and Promotion Inequity in Financial Services
Wendi S. Lazar & Jennifer L. Liu - When She Rises, We All Rise: Getting to Equal 2018: Creating a Culture Where Everyone Thrives
Ellyn Shook & Julie Sweet - Equality = Innovation: Getting to Equal 2019: Creating a Culture that Drives Innovation
The Impact of Legalization of Marijuana in the Workplace and on Transferring Employees from Legal to Non-Legal Jurisdictions
Mike Delikat, Jonathan A. Grode, Diego S. Kelly, Jacqueline Maarse & Lindsey Wagner
- Marijuana Goes Mainstream: Implications and Considerations for Employers
Anna Matsuo, Jill Rosenberg & Mike Delikat