Each of the following links will open to a new window containing an Adobe PDF document.
- Hot Issues in Anti-Discrimination Law
- Card Majority Certification and First Contract Arbitration: Lesson from the Canadian Experience
Challenges of the Global Economy: Tools for Recovery Via Labor/Management Relations
- Case Study: Manufacturing Industry
- Managing Employment Under the Crisis in the European Industry
- Damages and Remedies: Will EU Plaintiffs Up the Ante?
Development, Finance, Project Finance and Labour Standards
- Can Bankers Reach the Parts Other Labour Law Interventions Cannot Reach?
- Equal Pay Law in the UK: Mid - Life Crisis for the Equal Pay Act1970
European Shareholders Activism in Global Markets Affecting Workforce Issues
- An Overview of Selected European Laws
- Hypothetical for Financial Industry Restructuring Panel
- Hypothetical for Financial Industry Restructuring Panel
Green Jobs: Towards decent work in a suitable, low carbon world
- Policy messages and main findings for decision makers
- Hours of Work, Overtime, and Exempted Functions
- Islam & Issues in the Workplace: Comparative Discussion of Turkish and Western European Norms
- Islamic Outfits in the Workplace in Turkey, a Muslim Majority Country
- Managing Layoffs in the People’s Republic of China
National Workrights Institute
- Bringing Human Rights to the Workplace
- Sex Discrimination in Compensation Claims in the United States
The U.S. Debates Union Recognition and First Contract Resolution Law:
Union recognition and first contract arbitration: