You Can’t Change What You Can’t See: Key Lessons from the 2018 Report of on Racial and Gender Bias in the Legal Profession
Samantha C. Grant, Wendi S. Lazar, Jean Lee
Uncovering and Challenging Bias in Jury Selection and Deliberations
Maureen S. Binetti, Hon. J. Michelle Childs, William R. Clayton
- The Use of Implicit Bias Testimony in Employment Discrimination Cases
Maureen S. Binetti and Ashley Morin - Bias: Challenges to Seating a Truly Impartial Jury
Jill Huntley Taylor and Dana M. Binder
Arbitration in an Epic World
T. Warren Jackson, Jeffrey A. James, Lucas J. Kaster, Anna M. Pohl
- Arbitration in an Epic World
- HR 1423 Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act
- Mutual Agreement to Arbitrate Claims
- Disarming Employees
Jean Sternlight
Safely and Successfully Accommodating Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace
Sonya Richburg, Camille Monahan, Naomi N. Oglesby
- Safely and Successfully Accommodating Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace: Challenges for Union Counsel in Navigating the Reasonable Accommodation Process
Douglas L. Steele
Rolling Snake Eyes: Counseling Executives and Companies when the House Goes Bust
Donna M. Hughes, Jonathan Ben-Asher, Robert S. Gilmore and Joseph A. Kohanski, Jr.
From #MeToo to #WeToo: International Perspectives on the Movement Against Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in the Workplace
Alyson Palmer, Janis Block, Justine B. Laurier, Javiera Medina Reza & Roselyn S. Sands
- From #MeToo to #WeToo: International Perspectives on the Movement Against Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in the Workplace
Roselyn S. Sands
Here, There and Everywhere: A Globetrotting Update of Developments in Employment and Labor Law
Amy F. Shulman, Paul Callaghan, Myriam
- Updates on the Gig Economy
Paul Callaghan - Development Updates on China's Labor and Employment Law
Jason Lu - Updates in the Gig Economy: Argentina Overview
Analia V. Duran
Lessons Learned from Title IX
Hon. Stephanie M. Jones, Lisa Karen Atkins, Jeff Brodin, Nina T. Pirrotti and Sheree C. Wright
Demystifying ERISA for Employment Lawyers
Audrey Browne, Joel R. Hurt, J. Timothy McDonald
Identifying and Addressing Whistleblower Claims: Can You Hear the Whistle Blowing?
Melinda C. Burrows, Lloyd B. Chinn, Uche Egemonye and Jason Zuckerman
- Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protection Post-Digital Realty
- Whistleblowing and Anti-Retaliation Laws: An Overview
Lloyd B. Chinn
Balanced Approaches to Regulating Romance in the Workplace: Tainted Love?
Kimberly W. Geisler, Sandra Pullman, Kathleen O. Sedey and Bobby C. Simpson
Unauthorized Practice of Law in a Multijurisdictional World: Road Warriors Beware
Jeffrey Heller, Daniel Bonnett, Ruben J. Garcia
Strategies and Tips for Helping Lawyers with Substance Abuse Problems
Cara E. Greene, John Husband
- Substance Use Disorders Among Legal Professionals
- 12 Signs You Might Have an Alcohol Problem
- The Path to Lawyer Well Being
- Ethical Implications of Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession
Cara E. Greene
Interrupting Bias in the Legal Profession: What Would You Do?
Michelle Craig, Navin Jani, Lucas Kaster
Non-Compete Enforcement Issues in Business Acquisitions 2019: What are Your Odds?
David J. Carr, Barbara A. Robb
- Non-Compete Enforcement Issues in Business Acquisitions 2019: What are Your Odds?
Joseph Ahmad, David J. Carr, Barbara Robb, Justice Nancy M. Saitta, Justin Suhrand Eric Akira Tate - Fact Pattern
Equal Pay Act and the #TimesUp Movement
Tamika D. Lynch, Kelly M. Dermody, Diane I. Smason and Eric A. Tate
Employer Use of Technology and Tracking Employees in the Workplace
Kelly Trindel, Adam S. Forman, Jason C. Marsili
- Biometric Privacy Case Before Illinois Supreme Court Could Open Litigation Floodgates
- Recruitment and Selection in the Digital Age
- Littler on Legal Compliance Solutions for the Transformation of the Workplace Through Robotics, Artifical Intelligence, and Automation
- Recent Illinois Appellate Court Ruling Could End The Recent Flood Of Class Action Lawsuits Against Employers Under Illinois' Biometric Information Privacy Act
State Law Requirements for Ethical and Technical Standards Regarding ESI and Electronic Communications
Donald S. Barth, Hon. Yvette Roland, Eric W. Iskra, John P. Madden
Strategies for Counseling Clients in ICE Enforcement Actions
Jonathan G. Grode, Chelsea Edwards
Contingent Workers: The Next Unionized Workforce?
Eric L. Barnum, Caryl L. Flannery, Linda M. Mohns
All or Nothing?: Recent Innovations in Non-NLRA Contingent Workers
P. Casey Pitts