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2013 Meeting Papers

Papers were presented at the 2013 Midwinter Meeting of the Ethics & Professional Responsibility Committee. Please note they will open in a separate window.

Update on Ethical Issues and Social Media | Update on Ethical Issues and Social Media Power Point Presentation

John F. Hernandez, Myra McKenzie, Cynthia N. Sass, and Elizabeth Theran

Ethics in Discovery: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Christopher Lage, Matthew D. Marca, and Marisa Warren

Scripting Clients Contact with Represented Parties:  Labor & Employment Implications from the ABA’s Formal Opinion 11-461

James F. Allmendinger, Mark Risk, Kimberley A. McCoy-Cruz, and Elvige Cassard
Ethical Issues Facing Federal Government Attorneys in Class Litigation

Evangelina Fierro Hernandez

Misconduct by Attorneys or Party Representatives before the NLRB

Charles Muhl

Do the Right Thing: Policing the Profession and the Attorney’s Duty to Report Misconduct
Marisa Warren

Candor to the Court and Civility Rules: Ethical Issues or Professionalism

Nancy L. Cohen

Ethical Obligations of Counsel of a Client Organization Conducting an Internal Investigation

James F. Allmendinger, Karen Buesing, Raymond E. Morales and Jordan Thomas

Maintaining Civility: Principals of Professionalism and Civility and Techniques for Diffusing Hostility

Elizabeth Kristen and Brigett Potts    

Update Ethic 20/20

Elizabeth Clark Tarbert

Communications with Putative Class Members in Employment-Related Class and Collective Actions

Steven W. Moore

Formal Opinion 11-461: Advising Clients Regarding Direct Contacts with Represented Persons

ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility

State Adoption of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct and Comments

ABA CPR Policy Implementation Committee