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February 25-28 | Anaheim, CA

Midwinter Meeting Papers

Ethics Issues in Witness Preparation and Testimony

Bryan T. Arnault and Rebecca Sivitz


Voluntary Recognition and Union Organizing Campaigns

PowerPoint Presentation

Clifford Hart, W. Jonathan Martin, II,  Michaela Posner and Bridget Smith

Unlawful Work Rules and Threatening Statements

Ricardo Ochoa, Steven J. Porzio and Nicole Mormilo

Severance and Non-Compete Agreements

Daniel E. Curry, Letitia Silas, and  Jessica Rutter

The NLRA’s Supremacy over State Law

PowerPoint Presentation

Ben Berger and Michael T. Mortensen

Enforcement Litigation Review

Meredith Jason and Ruth Burdick

“C” Case Review

Richard A. Bock

I DO BREACH: Updates on the Duty to Bargain

Powerpoint Presentation

Emily Olivencia-Audet, Jamie R. Rich and Craig Ewasiuk

Developments in Protected Concerted Activity

PowerPoint Presentation

Peter Sung Ohr, Alba V. Aviles, and Mark Gaston Pearce

Update from the Office of General Counsel: 2023 Enforcement Developments and 2024 Planned Initiatives

Hon. Jennifer A. Abruzzo, Crystal S. Carey and Jason Wojciechowski

“R” Case Review: Discussion of Recent Issues Arising in Bargaining Unit Elections Under Section 9 of the Act

Terence G. Schoone-Jongen

A Conversation with the National Labor Relations Board

Hon. Lauren M. McFerran, Hon. Marvin E. Kaplan, Hon. David M. Prouty, Hon. Gwynne A. Wilcox, Pamela Devi Chandran, and Stephen C. Mitchell