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2019 Meeting Papers

The Ethical Considerations of the Representation of Individual and Corporate Witnesses Before the Board
Amy Moor Gaylord and Angie Cowan Hamada

E-Verify, The Duty to Bargain and The Intersection of an Employer’s Immigration Law Compliance Obligations and the NLRA
Monica Guizar and Joshua D. Nadreau

The Board’s Re-Evaluation of 9(a) Bargaining Relationships in the Construction Industry, Whether the Parties Have to Bargain in Good Faith When Bargaining an 8(f) Agreement, and When is the 10(b) Limitations Period not the 10(b) Limitations Period
Richard F. Griffin, Jr. and Philip A. Miscimarra

Memorandum GC 18-04 and Employer Work Rules in the Post-Boeing Company World:

The Post-Boeing Crash Landing of Protected, Concerted Activity (Spoiler Alert: Only the Pilot Survives)
Melinda S. Hensel

Work Rules Take Flight (PPT)
Carita Austin, Melinda Hensel and Nicole Mormilo

Work Rules Take Flight:  Recent Developments Regarding Employer Handbook Rules after The Boeing Company and Memorandum GC 18-04
Carita Austin

Anarchy, Business as Usual, Or Something In Between: Lucia v. SEC and the Constitutional Challenge to the NLRB’s ALJs
Jay M. Dade (with Carey R. Burke), Benjamin M. O’Donnell and Genaira L. Tyce

Enforcement Litigation Review:

Summary of Court Decisions in Enforcement Cases Litigated by the Appellate and Supreme Court Litigation Branch, NLRB
Ruth Burdick and Meredith Jason

“C” Case Review: Significant ULP Cases in 2018
Jayme L. Sophir

Whose Burden Is It Anyway? East End Bus Lines and the Nexus Element under Wright Line
Harry I. Johnson III and Kate M. Swearengen

The Implications of Janus v. AFSCME in the Private Sector
Leon Dayan

The Post-Janus Litigation Landscape
Leon Dayan

Reading the Tea Leaves: The Implications of the Supreme Court’s Janus Decision in the Private Sector
Kyllan B Kershaw and Kaitlyn F. Whiteside

Update from the Office of General Counsel: 2018 Enforcement Developments and 2019 Planned Initiatives
Hon. Peter B. Robb

“R” Case Review: Discussion of Recent Issues Arising in Bargaining Unit Elections under Section 9 of the Act:

A Review of Developments in NLRB Representation Case Law During 2018
Terence Schoone-Jongen

2018: The Year in R-Cases
Terrence Schoone-Jongen

A Conversation with the National Labor Relations Board:

NLRB Decisions for Discussion
Hon. John F. Ring, Hon. Lauren McFerran, Hon. William J. Emanuel and Hon. Marvin E. Kaplan