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2016 Meeting Papers

Materials presented at the 2016 ADR in Labor & Employment Committee Midwinter Meeting open in separate windows as Adobe Acrobat(TM) documents.

ADR MW Portfolio (PDF--7.2MB)

14 Penn Plaza LLC v. Pyett – Oppression or Opportunity for U.S. Workers: Learning from Canada – An Empirical Comparison of the Handling of Statutory Human Rights Claims in Labour Arbitration in Ontario and before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
Martin H. Malin and Jon M. Werner

Tulane University Law School Sports Law Society

Employment Mediation Requires a Unique Touch | ADR Is on the Rise in Employment Cases | Whistleblower Cases Are Custom Tailored for ADR
Jeffrey S. Grubman

A Post-Pyett Collective Bargaining Agreement to Arbitrate Statutory Discrimination Claims: What Are They Good for--Could It Be Absolutely Nothing or Really Something?Michael Z. Green

No-Discrimination Protocol

Arbitration 2013: A Tale of Two Countries
Terry Meginniss and Paul Salvatore

Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes

Opinion No. 6: Arbitrator's Duty Regarding Off-the-Record Union Representative's Remarks Prejudicial to Grievant in Discharge Case

FMCS Mission, Services, & Trends

Michael Franczak

Arbitration Awards Involving Racial, Religious, and Cultural Harassment and Workplace Violence
Kevin M. McCarthy and Allyson R. Terpsma

2015 Circuit and Supreme Court Update: Labor and Employment Law Arbitration Decisions
Patricia R. Sigman, Richard Siwica and Brian Koji

Current Developments in Labor and Employment Arbitration, 2015

The Three Phases of the Supreme Court’s Arbitration Jurisprudence
Martin H. Malin

Speaker Biographies (PDF)