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All Section members are encouraged to participate in the committees and Affinity Groups. Committees produce programs, publications, and reports. Your level of involvement is entirely up to you. All committees have open enrollment, with the only pre-requisite being Section membership.

Become a Member

Section membership is open to all regular, associate and law student members of the ABA. Annual dues are $75 for ABA Lawyer and Associate members and free for ABA Law Student Division members. The benefits of membership include committee participation, publications, CLE, government contacts, networking and more.

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Book Contributors

One of the most beneficial products that the Section offers is the comprehensive treatises published jointly with BNA Books. The Section’s committees spearhead the publications of these treatises, which are written by Section members. Contributing to a book is a great way to become more involved with committees for those whose schedules don't always permit attendance at committee meetings.

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