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October 01, 2024 National Conference of Specialized Judges

NCSCJ Chair's Column

Hon. Juliet Britton

It is an honor to serve as this year’s Chair of the National Conference of Specialized Court Judges (NCSCJ). The NCSCJ is the home within the Judicial Division and in the American Bar Association (ABA) for judges serving in courts of limited and specialized jurisdiction from around the country. Our members include judges from courts of limited jurisdiction, including municipal, military, probate, juvenile, tribal, traffic, treatment, problem-solving and small claims courts. We also support the mission of the ABA by providing resources, judicial education, information, and networking opportunities to our members and a forum for our members to engage in activities to improve public trust.

Like many of you, I value educational events that make me a better judge. I also love meeting judges and attorneys from all over the U.S. outside of my jurisdiction to find out how things are done in other states and to get new ideas to take back to my court. To that end, we are working on several programs both virtually and in-person that will be available to you during the next twelve months. Additionally, we will provide networking opportunities to our members. 

Save the dates for our 2025 in-person events. We are looking forward to our midyear meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, January 30-February 3, 2025 and our annual meeting in Toronto, Canada, August 6-12, 2025 where we are planning a full schedule of enrichment and social events. We welcome your input!

During the next year, our leadership team will be focusing on personally reaching out to judges and engaging with them to find out what they would like to see from NCSCJ. We look forward to hearing from you to make this conference responsive to our members’ interests. Finally, for those who would like to become active now in our conference, we continue to have opportunities for ABA Members who want to get more involved or who want to learn more about how the ABA can support you in your career so do not hesitate to contact me to discuss how best we can collaborate. My email is [email protected]

Hon. Juliet Britton

2024-2025 Chair, National Conference of Specialized Cout Judges

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