Since you will receive this message in February, let me wish you belated holiday greetings and hope that they were spent with family and friends and were safe and enjoyable. Given the nature of events in the last several months in this country and in the world, let us all, in our own way, pray or wish for more unity and peace in this new year.
The ABA Midyear Meeting was January 31-Feb. 5, 2024, in Louisville, KY. The NCSTJ Executive Committee and its standing committees worked hard in making plans for another successful and fun meeting. On January 31, we joined members of other JD conferences and lawyers in our Diversity Day activities, starting with a mid-day visit to two schools where we engaged students in discussions on the Constitution, rule of law and democracy issues. Later that evening, we attended a Path to the Bench program with young lawyers and law students in the Louisville area at a local law school.