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April 08, 2022

Report of the Judicial Division Nominating Committee

2022-2023 Slate

The Judicial Division Nominating Committee hereby reports, nominations for positions that will be filled by vote of the membership during the 2022 Annual Meeting.

The JD Nominating Committee has nominated Judge Heather Welch (National Conference of State Trial Judges) for the 2022-2023 JD Vice-Chair position. The election of the Vice-Chair takes place at the Annual Meeting of the Judicial Division in August 2022.

According to the Judicial Division Bylaws Article 7.05(B), additional nominations may be made by petition signed by at least fifteen (15) Division members from no less than three (3) conferences and filed with the Division’s Staff Director at least forty-five (45) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Members of the Council and conference executive committees shall be notified of nominations by petition at least fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Nominations may not be made from the floor at the time of elections.