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January 08, 2021 Judicial Division

Gavel Talks: Sharing and Learning

By Hon. Richard Alan Ginkowski, Pleasant Prairie, WI

Gavel Talks, the Judicial Division’s podcast for judges.  We started with the idea of informative videos and podcasts by judges for judges.  But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit we switched to an informal radio-style program and found that more judges are able to share their knowledge and experience because we made it very easy for them to participate.

The mix of knowledge sharing is eclectic.  Besides podcasts with tips for new judges the Gavel Talks repertoire includes:

Streamlining the process makes it easier (and hopefully painless) for judges to share their knowledge.  If you have a topic you think we should present contact me.  I’ll set up a mutually convenient telephone interview (typically around 20 minutes) and after final editing the audio file will be forwarded to the Judicial Division staff for distribution.