The National Conference of Specialized Court Judges invite nominations for any of the Conference’s three annual awards. Nominations will be accepted through April 15, 2020.
The Judicial Education Award recognizes a person, institution or judicial education and training entity for successful efforts in providing high quality judicial education and training to judges. Criteria include:
- The nature and extent of opportunities provided to judges to receive local and in‑state judicial education and training.
- The nature and extent of opportunities provided to judges to receive nationally-based judicial education and training.
Recent recipients of this award have included the Appellate Judges Education Institute, the Army Judge Advocate General’s School, and the National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA), among others. The award can be made to an individual, an institution or a judicial education and training entity.
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The McMahon Award is presented to honor Judge William R. McMahon of Ohio, an outstanding member of the Executive Committee of the ABA Judicial Division National Conference of Specialized Court Judges (NCSCJ) and Chair of the Conference’s Modern Technology in the Courts Committee from 1990 until his death in 1994. Judge McMahon was a leader in the implementation of technological advances in the courts. He participated in the Judicial Electronic Document and Data Interchange Committee and was also active in the Center for Advance Study in Telecommunications at the Ohio State University. Judge McMahon operated the Bulletin Board System for the Ohio Judicial Network and chaired the JADTECH conference on ABA/net.
Candidates for this award should be a judge or court employee in a court of limited or special jurisdiction or an attorney who practices in a court of special or limited jurisdiction who has made a significant implementation or development in the use of modern technology in a court of special or limited jurisdiction. This may be in an individual court, or on a regional, statewide or national basis.
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The Franklin N. Flaschner Award is presented to the outstanding judge in a special and limited jurisdiction. The award is named in honor of the late Chief Justice Franklin N. Flaschner of the District Court of Massachusetts and, is presented to the judge in a specialized jurisdiction court who has made significant contributions on local, tribal, state and national levels to continuing education of the judiciary and in other ways improved the quality of justice in courts with special and limited jurisdiction. Candidates are specifically evaluated on their integrity, truthfulness, courtesy, humility, sense of humor, patience in court, open-mindedness, intellectual courage, impartiality, creativity, diligence in performance of judicial duties, punctuality in court, sound judgment, knowledge of the law, adherence to professional ethics, and avoidance of improprieties.
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This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize your court, its employees, or a judge you admire and respect for recognition for their work in a specialized court. If you have any questions or have difficulty accessing the applications, please contact Col. Linda Strite Murnane, chair of this year’s NCSCJ Awards Committee, or staff Julianna Peacock.