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Serving Our Veterans

Vol. 56 No. 1   January 2017


Military & Veterans

Unconventional Rehabilitation: Military Members’ Right to Veterans Treatment Court

Veterans treatment courts provide an unconventional solution to reducing recidivism. In the last eight years, these courts have expanded across the country and have implemented a number of successful models. The flexibility of the different models allow for each court to reach a specific target of the population. Due to the success of the courts, thousands of military veterans are not incarcerated, but are instead rehabilitated.

Military & Veterans

Reserve Retirement and the Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act: The Hypothetical Kuenzli v. Kuenzli Divorce

The division of reserve retirement pay pursuant to the Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act requires different calculations than the division of an active-duty military retirement. In addition, there are some fairly recent and on-the-horizon legislative provisions that can alter the portion of retirement awarded to the former spouse.

Military & Veterans

Emory Law’s Volunteer Clinic for Veterans Recovers $4.75 Million in Benefits—and Counting

Since 2013, Emory Law’s Volunteer Clinic for Veterans (VCV) has taken on about 160 cases and recovered $4.75 million in benefits for Atlanta metropolitan area veterans. The VCV began as a no-cost clinic and is now a low-cost clinic. The symbiotic propositions of aiding veterans, training law students with real cases, and offering local legal professionals volunteer opportunities and veterans and military law education make the VCV a model for other schools across the nation.

Technology Column

Ethics Column