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Immigration and the American Dream

Vol. 56 No. 3   July 2017



Ensuring Equal Access to Justice for Limited English Proficiency Individuals

Court-monitored interpretation and translation services are an essential component of the limited English proficiency (LEP) individual’s meaningful access to the courts. In order to preserve the concepts of justice that our Constitution speaks of, courts must provide competent and effective language services to LEP individuals. Many courts have implemented LEP policies and programs; however, despite these exemplary efforts, challenges still exist.


Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status is an immigration option for foreign-born children in the United States who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected by a parent. The option requires a state court order, and, in doing so, often creates confusion among state court judges as to their role in the process of legalizing a child’s immigration status. This Q&A is intended to answer common questions that may arise in the adjudication of a state court case involving special immigrant juvenile findings.


In Borrowed Robes: A Day in the Life of an Immigration Judge

Immigration judges face extremely complex trials with noncitizens who come before them for any number of reasons. Along with the challenges in dealing with complicated legal situations, immigration judges face the unique challenge of not being seen as “true judges” because they are not empowered by Congress under Article I of the Constitution. Judge Harbeck shares a typical day’s caseload in her New Jersey courtroom and humorously credits her robe as a symbol of her credibility.

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