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August 24, 2021 Gavel Talks | Season 3 - Episode 14

Is it Time for Judges to Get More Serious About Seriously Excessive Speeding?

Featuring Hon. Ronald Ramsey, Decatur, GA

Hosted by the Hon. Richard Ginkowski

Did it seem like the call of the open road during the pandemic was an invitation for too many people to put the pedal to the metal and let it roar?  An increasing body of data is backing up that perception and, in some places, speeding eclipsed drunk driving as the leading cause of traffic fatalities.  Judge Ronald Ramsey of the DeKalb County (GA) State Court, chair of the National Conference of Specialized Court Judges, joins Judge Richard Ginkowski to talk about the problem and what judges can do to get more serious about seriously excessive speeding.

The "winner" in the low flying aircraft competition appears to be a driver clocked at 180 mph in a 70 mph zone.  What was he driving?  Listen to this episode of Gavel Talks and find out!

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