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November 23, 2021 Gavel Talks | Season 3 - Episode 19

Cameras In The Courtroom: The Naysayers Got It Wrong

Featuring Mr. Randall Graff, Indianapolis, IN

Hosted by the Hon. Richard Ginkowski

Photography, recording and live broadcasts from courtrooms are an everyday occurrence. An estimated 402,000 people watched Court TV alone on April 20, 2021 when the verdict in the murder trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was read.  But it wasn't always that way.

Judge Richard Ginkowski, Gavel Talks host, and retired Indianapolis attorney Randall Graff were both broadcast journalists in 1978 when the Wisconsin Supreme Court pioneered experimental audiovisual coverage of court proceedings -- an "experiment" that's lasted 43 years and now to some extent cameras and microphones are permitted in all states.  Attorney Graff and Judge Ginkowski discuss how the media working together with the bench and Bar made it happen.